HINDRANCE TO CANAAN MEMORY VERSE : Do all things without - TopicsExpress


HINDRANCE TO CANAAN MEMORY VERSE : Do all things without murmurings and disputings. 2:14 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR :2 Kgs 21, Heb 2, Hos 13, Ps 74 The story of how God delivered the children of Israel from the hands of the Egyptians is not new to many of us. God sent Moses to Pharaoh with a message - let My people go. Pharaoh refused and the Lord descended heavily on him and his nation. He let the children of Israel go, but he repented afterwards and chased after them. At the end God drowned him and his host. The children of Israel gained their freedom at last. The plan of God was to bring every Isrealite into Canaan - promise land. But unfortunately not everyone of them made it to Canaan. Actually only Caleb, Joshua and the children under the age of twenty made it to Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:39). The question is what was the offence of the rest? How come Moses of all people failed to make it to the promise land despite all his efforts - praying and fasting. It was anger that hindered Moses from getting to the promise land. Anger may prevent a fellow from reaping the fruit of his labour. Egypt represents bondage, shame, slavery, pain etc. Canaan represents abundance (Exodus 3:17), riches, glory, honor, freedom etc. What hindered the rest from entering the promise land is what we want to look at. First of all their confession. Despite the big plans God had for them, most of them did not make it because of their negative confession. They said it was impossible to possess the land and God said amen. According to Numbers 14:28, it is what you say in Gods hearing that He will do. Thats why I pity those who say they are tired of life or they cant understand their life. Secondly, their attitude to the servant of God. 1 Chronicles 16:22 says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. Not a single man who spoke against Moses got to Canaan. If anyone is ringing you to gossip about any man of God you better run from them. Lastly, their murmurings hindered them from Canaan. When you murmur, you hurt God and attack his sovereignty. Instead of murmuring and complaining be grateful. There are people going through worse things so instead of complaining and grumbling be grateful. Philippians 2:14 says do all things without murmurings and disputings. In that unpleasant state, He wants us not to grumble but acknowledge that He is able and knows about our situation. WARNING :Stop grumbling!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 07:50:37 +0000

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