HINDSIGHT ROHIT SINGH RANA Mr. CM: Your statement on Kashmir is - TopicsExpress


HINDSIGHT ROHIT SINGH RANA Mr. CM: Your statement on Kashmir is confusing The time is ripe for Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for to come clear on his stand over Kashmir. This is badly needed because what he said in a village near Charie-Sharif is loaded with nothing but political opportunism. The politician has a leeway to play politics but that a constructive one, here he has come to the old ways that his illustrious grandfather had perfected. Say one thing in Kashmir, other in Jammu and diametrically different in New Delhi. Perhaps unwittingly what Abdul Rahim Rather, the finance minister said at the same venue that Mr. CM is Sher-e- Kashmir ‘Sani’ (junior Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah) is perhaps true. Omar too has fallen into the footsteps of his eminent grandfather in doublespeak. Otherwise his rapacious statement that India should not take Kashmiri people for granted and must solve the political problem in Kashmir is not that Chief Minister of a sensitive state of Jammu and Kashmir is expected to say. In one lash of an acidic tongue, Omar caste aspersion on the efforts of ordinary Kashmiris to interact with the rest of the country by participating in civil services examinations and doing exceedingly well in them. He also brushed aside the heroic efforts of young Kashmiri boys and girls to participate in national level sports competition and registering their talent. Obliquely he discounted the selection of Parvez Rasool in Indian team. Omar has put the well meaning people of the State in quandary. People are confused and taken aback by his statement. If his uttering is taken at face value then there is very little difference between him and other separatists. He would have to do a lot of explaining if he were in some other country. But he knows that in India anybody can say what he wants and yet go away with it even if he preached treason. Being a politician his position is even more safe and insulated. Like every human being there is something called ‘Zameer,’ the inmost conscience and if Omar does an honest soul searching he will not stand by what he said in the expanse of Shiekh Noor-U-din. To talk with forked tongue in the town of one of the greatest saints of Kashmir means that some of our politicians have not yet understood what spirituality, purity and plain speaking is all about. The revered saint stood all his life for a world of renunciation and purity and his so called illustrious children indulge in cheap politicking and duplicity. Omar has placed himself in a tight situation. He wants to go one step ahead to upstage PDP and even look closer to separatists. Wanting himself to be seen a victim of Indian ‘perfidy,’ the CM is furtively addressing to his fast slipping constituency. Smarting under the snub from New Delhi over partial revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and cold shoulder to his autonomy dream, Omar wants to play a double game in which his party is so adept. Rake up imagined fears of New Delhi’s dishonesty regarding solution to Kashmir issue is all he has in his quiver. Unfortunately, he has spent all his darts without any effect. Sadly for him the ploy will not work because he is not honest with the political realities in Kashmir and the country. Secondly, he is secretive about what solution he has for Kashmir in mind. There is a great deal of interest in public what solution Omar has in his mind to solve the so called K-Issue. He forgets that in 1994 Indian Parliament passed a resolution which said that if anything was left of Kashmir issue it was the amalgamation of POK into India. Leaving that apart for time being, if the country asks Omar what solution he has for Kashmir, will he enunciate it. Suppose AFSPA is repealed in Toto and Autonomy is returned to Kashmir with Omar becoming Prime Minister will it be end of all problems in Kashmir. The fact of the matter is that Jammu has always opposed autonomy or Self Rule and so has Ladakh. In that condition, the people of Ladakh have reiterated that they want to have a Union Territory status. Neither Jammu nor Ladakh wants to live under Kashmir hegemony. It leaves only Valley proper. Does Omar in that hypothetical scenario want to become Prime Minister of Kashmir minus Jammu and Ladakh? If such is the vast political vision of Sher-e -Kashmir ‘Sani,’ then God save Kashmir.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 15:18:38 +0000

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