HIRAM ABIFF & OSIRIS Many of the Christian preachers and leaders - TopicsExpress


HIRAM ABIFF & OSIRIS Many of the Christian preachers and leaders have been initiated into the so-called secrets of Freemasonry. And they know that the story of Jesus Christ, as it is understood by the masses of the people, has its origin in mythology and paganism; yet they will not educate their following to this truth. The Hiramic legend is perhaps the most important story in the Masonic teachings. In order for a mason to be considered a Master Mason he must imitate the symbolic ritual of Hiram’s death. Once the Mason reaches the 32nd degree he finds out among other things, that the story of Hiram Abiff actually refers and alludes to the story and life of Jesus which is derived from the Osiris legend as well as other ancient legends and pagan ideas. So lets compare Osiris with Hiram: Osiris 1. There is the possession of something valuable, Osiris possessed a kingdom. 2. There is a conspiracy-Typhon/Satan and his followers conspire against Osiris 3. There is conflict between Osiris and Satan/Set 4. There is death-Osiris is murdered 5. The death is by his brother 6. The body is buried at the foot of a Tamarind tree 7. There is a first search by Isis-Meri 8. She questions everyone she meets 9. The search is accidently successful 10. There is a second search, Isis searches for the 14 pieces of Osiris body (waning of the moon) 11. Isis finds all the parts except the penis (capstone) Circumcision is ritual of Osiris 12. There is something forever lost Osiris penis replaced with an Obelisk (pyramid) 13. Isis makes the substitute Osiris’s Eucharist (Christians make bread & Wine) 14. There is a Resurrection sometimes symbolized as erection of penis (restored/revived) Hiram Abiff 1. There is the possession of something valuable-Hiram passed the master’s word 2. There is a conspiracy –fifteen fellow crafts conspire against Hiram. 3. There is a conflict-Hiram is attacked by Jubela, Jubelo and jubelum at 12:00 noon. 4. There is death-Hiram is killed by Jubelum. 5. Hiram’s death was arranged by his brother (Jesus by brothers in faith) 6. His body is buried at the foot of a tamarind or arcacia tree. 7. There is a first search-twelve fellow crafts search for the three murderers. 8. They question everyone they meet 9. Their search is accidentally successful. 10. There is a second search-three fellow crafts go in search of the body. 11. There is a finding –the body is found in a grave dug due east and west. 12. There is a loss-the master’s word is lost 13. There is a substitution-Mah-hah-bone is the substitute (give that Dog/God a bone) Why has thou forsaken me? (In Christianity the Obelisk/bone is Peter’s Cock). 14. There is a resurrection of Hiram is raised from the grave. It’s alleged that Jesus incorporates himself as the keystone/capstone mentioned in Psalm 118:2 that was rejected. It seems to me Jesus is taken up and evil ones are laid down at the bottom of the foundation. Recall Peter rejects Jesus is called Satan and becomes a rock foundation turned upside down as a gatekeeper for the underworld. 1. New information reveals Catapult threw Stones/Son the Jews rejected as Titus army seized the city Matthew 21:42-44/War of The Jews V, vi, 269-274. Titus is the rejected Stone/Son of from the Jews. Notes: Taken from The Acts of Peter I request you therefore, executioners, to crucify me head downwards”. Naked with the penis exposed. In Egyptian literature the wicked are cast head downwards into a pit of fire. There is to be noted the remarkable coincidence that in the Egyptian book of the dead, Petra is the name of the divine doorkeeper of Heaven same role Peter plays in the NT. Peter is not only the rock but also the Cock, or penis . The cock was symbolic of Peter. We hear whites use the slang Peter for Penis. A cocks image was often placed atop church towers. A bronze sculpture hidden in the Vatican treasury of the cock image with a penis replacing the beak. The story of Peter/Petra is not historical but astronomical in origin, with Peter and the cock being one and representing the announcement of the morning sun, whom Peter the gatekeeper/cock finally allows to pass after denying/rejecting him. So just like Osiris penis is substituted with a Obelisk Jesus is substituted with Peter/cock. On page 368 of DR. Bens book Blackman of the Nile the appearance of the star of David (Egyptian Rempham )with two pyramids one up and the other down. Ben says The tuat and the Twelve hours of the night, hewn in stone in the great pyramid of gizeh. In the Christian doctrine the twelve gates of heaven were taken from this. Now if Peter is the gate then he is the one upside down. I have to piece this all together because individuals and organizations have a vested intrest in the truth being away from the masses.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:54:19 +0000

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