HIS GRACE MY FREEDOM For by GRACE are ye SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the GIFT OF GOD. EPHESIANS 2:8 DEFINITION OF GRACE: The FREE and UNMERITED FAVOR OF GOD, as Manifested in the SALVATION of SINNERS and the BESTOWAL OF BLESSINGS. Are there things in your life that have such control on you that you feel you cannot break loose from?. Things that HINDER your walk with the LORD? This should not be true in your life or any one elses life. There is HOPE and IT IS IN CHRIST, YESHUA/JESUS. HE CAN GIVE YOU VICTORY. IT IS ONLY THROUGH GRACE can we be SAVED FROM BONDAGE. As you can see from this definition of GRACE, it is something Without Measure that is GIVEN TO ALL WHO BELIEVE IN YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST, AS SAVIOUR AND LORD. We CANNOT EARN IT. I could never understand this, as in my HUMANESS, I am so sinful, and most of the time when I look at myself, all I can see are my Faults, or Sins. We, as humans, are geared toward EARNING the FAVOR of others. It begins in our childhood; so when someone comes along and says, we can have the FAVOR of GOD Without Earning it, it is so Hard to Believe, in fact in some cases it is Impossible, without the Help of GOD and HIS WORD. As we go to the Word of GOD, HE spells it out PLAIN and SIMPLE. IT IS BY GRACE WE ARE SAVED THROUGH FAITH. Now FAITH is Believing something, whether it is that a chair will hold us up when we sit on it, or we can fly through the air in a plane, or ride down the road in a car.....we ACCEPT these things THROUGH FAITH. GOD CANNOT BE SEEN; so when we BELIEVE THAT HE LOVES US...THAT IS A TOTAL COMMITMENT OF OUR FAITH IN SOMEONE, WHO CAN NOT BE SEEN. Now the LORD KNOWS this and takes this into Consideration, so when we ask for the FAITH to BELIEVE, HE IS OVERJOYED TO ENABLE US TO BELIEVE IN HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, YESHUA/JESUS: And that HE DIED, that we MAY HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. This BELIEF IN HIM, is what ENABLES us to be FREE FROM ANY AREA OF BONDAGE. It is NOT IN OUR STRENGTH BUT IN AND THROUGH YESHUA/JESUS, that we can BREAK the Area Of BONDAGE. Our Blessed LORD, INVITES us to COME INTO HIS THRONE ROOM, INTO HIS DIVINE PRESENCE with BOLDNESS. What an Invitation from ONE WHO LOVES US SO GREATLY. Let us therefore Come Boldly unto the THRONE OF GRACE, that we may Obtain MERCY, and find GRACE to Help in Time of Need. HEBREWS 4:6 Definition of MERCY: COMPASSION or FORGIVENESS Shown Toward someone whom it IS WITHIN ONES POWER TO PUNISH OR HARM. We have permission to approach his throne at all times—in midnight’s darkest hour, or in noontide’s most burning heat. Exercise thy right, O believer, and live up to thy privilege. Thou art free to all that is treasured up in Christ—wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. It matters not what thy need is, for there is fulness of supply in Christ, and it is there for thee. O what a “freedom” is thine! freedom from condemnation, freedom to the promises, freedom to the throne of grace, and at last freedom to enter heaven!. Charles H. Spurgeon. We have been REDEEMED; our SIN DEBT has been PAID by YESHUA/JESUS on the CROSS. If you or I continue in that SIN that HAS BEEN PAID FOR, it is like digging up an animal THAT IS DEAD....THAT WE BURIED...every so often to SMELL OF IT. Definition of REDEMPTION: The Action of Saving or Being SAVED FROM Sin, Error, or Evil. The action of Regaining or Gaining possession of something IN EXCHANGE FOR PAYMENT, or CLEARING A DEBT. REMEMBER I said GRACE CANNOT BE EARNED: NEITHER CAN MERCY: NEITHER CAN OUR REDEMPTION. IT IS A FREE GIFT OF GOD. IF we HAVE this FREE GIFT OF GOD.....WHY WOULD WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE BOUND IN ANY AREA OF SIN???????? REMEMBER SIN IS A CHOICE!!! Each DAY, Each HOUR, Each MINUTE, Each SECOND......WE MAKE THE CHOICE. SIN DESTROYS AND KILLS. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING AND CURSING: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both Thou and Thy Seed may LIVE: DEUTERONOMY 30:19 Let us be like JOSHUA: And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, CHOOSE you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. JOSHUA 24:15 IF you have never BY FAITH, BELIEVED in THIS SAVIOUR....WHO DIED TO SAVE YOU FROM THE BONDAGE OF SIN....Claim HIS PROMISE, BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED. IF you are a BELIEVER, then Always LIVE LIKE A BELIEVER....BE A LIVING TESTIMONY TO THE GRACE and MERCY OF GOD; by Living and Walking IN FREEDOM. LET US NOT CHOOSE TO REMAIN IN BONDAGE TO ANY SIN. Yes, we will sin; Yes, we will have to BATTLE each day to OVERCOME areas of Sin; but we DONT HAVE TO WALLOW IN THEM. We DONT HAVE to be IN BONDAGE to them!!! IF you or I ALLOW SIN to Dominate our Lives, then our Testimony Says, our LORD is NOT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP US OUR OF THE BONDAGE OF SIN.......and Each Day, by our Lifestyle....WE CAN ENABLE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE IN OUR LORD; or by our Lifestyle cause them to SIN..., or ....HELP SEND THEM TO HELL. Do you, or I cause someone to SIN.......IF SO THIS IS WHAT THE LORD SAYS: But whoso shall OFFEND one of these little ones which BELIEVE IN ME, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but WOE to that man by whom the OFFENCE cometh! MATTHEW 18:6-7 Definition of OFFEND: Commit an illegal act. break the law, commit a crime, do wrong, sin, go astray, transgress; ABBA FATHER, Thank YOU, for the FREEDOM THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS. Forgive me for the times I may or have caused someone to go astray or sin, by something I said, or did, or someway I acted. ENABLE, YOUR Children to Walk In Victory and REFLECT YOUR GLORY by our Conduct. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF YESHUA/JESUS. Amen. Have a blessed day. .
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 17:01:23 +0000

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