HIS­TORY ON THIS DAY The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia - TopicsExpress


HIS­TORY ON THIS DAY The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia Sep 29, 2014 28 1941 642 Gen­eral Amr ibn al-As marches into Alexan­dria and the Arab con­quest of Egypt, which be­gan with an in­va­sion three years ear­lier, ends in peace­ful ca­pit­u­la­tion. 1399 Richard II be­comes the first king of Eng­land to ab­di­cate af­ter his zeal for per­sonal power up­sets the no­bil­ity. 1827 The Supreme Court dis­charges jour­nal­ist Robert Wardell with­out penalty af­ter a trial for sedi­tious li­bel, for re­fer­ring to gov­er­nor Ralph Dar­ling in The Aus­tralian news­pa­per as ig­no­rant and ob­sti­nate. 1829 The first reg­u­lar po­lice pa­trols ap­pear on the streets of Lon­don. The of­fi­cers are called Bob­bies, or Peel­ers, af­ter home sec­re­tary Robert Peel, who spon­sored the Bill set­ting up the force. 1830 A po­lice party led by a Lieu­tenant Brown bat­tles the Rib­bon Gang of 13 bushrangers at Aber­crom­bie Caves near Bathurst, in­clud­ing Ralph En­twistle. Two po­lice are killed. Ten of the gang are later hanged. 1864 Se­nior Sergeant Thomas Smyth, 29, dies af­ter be­ing shot while try­ing to cap­ture the bushranger Dan Mor­gan near Henty. 1896 Cana­dian lone yachts­man Cap­tain Joshua Slocum, 52, sails into New­cas­tle Har­bour, NSW, on his way to be­ing the first man recorded to have sailed solo around the world. 1906 The US oc­cu­pies Cuba af­ter a re­bel­lion sur­round­ing To­mas Estrada Palma’s re-elec­tion, fol­low­ing claims of elec­tion fraud. 1913 Ru­dolf Diesel, Ger­man in­ven­tor of the en­gine bear­ing his name, van­ishes from an English Chan­nel steamer. 1923 Jewish mi­gra­tion to Pales­tine, un­der Bri­tish rule, is sanc­tioned un­der a League of Na­tions man­date. 1941 Over two days Ger­mans mas­sacre 33,771 Jewish peo­ple at Babi Yar (mon­u­ment pic­tured), a ravine near Kiev, in WWII.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:11:56 +0000

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