...HIS WINK! (..really long, but please pardon me.) When we - TopicsExpress


...HIS WINK! (..really long, but please pardon me.) When we were kids, most of us had the opportunities of going out with our parents to visit friends and relatives. Most times, when we get to probably a family friends house, and we are offered food to eat; what we do most times is to quickly turn in the direction of our parents especially Mum, and get her approval or disapproval first. How? She doesnt do this by talking. By mere looking at her face, we understand her message! If she winks at us with a stern look; we knew we dare not collect such food knowing that if we do, well be punished when we get home. Immediately, our response to the family friend will be, Thank you, Im fine, not eating ma/sir (Even when we really desire to eat the food). But if Mum smiles and perhaps nods her head, we know its a sign of approval; we then go ahead and eat without fear. That wink in Mums eyes was a way of communicating to us and determines our action!!! When it comes to the issue of marriage, some feel God does not speak. Some dont even know if God has spoken to them or not. Isaiah 42:20: Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not. Some allow pressure from loved ones, to lead them to a state of confusion whereby they cant even hear God; They are in turn thrown off balance and decide for the other/available alternative. But the fact is: GOD SPEAKS ALWAYS! The problem with most people is that they fail to look in His eyes, to wait for that wink(either approval/disapproval). Even when HIS wink disapproves of the marital step they wish to take towards that sister/brother, they still deliberately ignore it, thereby allowing the idols in their hearts to take over (thinking if they dont get married to that sister/brother, they can never survive; LIE!). Some even with their actions, change the order of Speak Lord, Your servant heareth TO Listen Lord, Your servant speaketh...All in the bid to satisfy their selfish desires which is against Gods perfect plan for their lives. So many have been punished and some are still facing the punishment for ignoring His Wink! Our Heavenly Father is a COMMUNICATOR! He speaks to those who take time to LISTEN, and He listens to those who take time to PRAY. There is a frequent question on the lips of many: How do one hear from God especially in the area of marriage and other areas?. I stand bold to say, it is not difficult; but also NOT automatic. Youve got a doing on your part! The first way of hearing from God is to be in constant relationship with God in Holiness and righteousness. You have to be His child for Him to speak to you. Salvation through the Blood of Jesus is the first way of hearing from God. God does not speak to rebellious children. John 10:27: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. Are you His Sheep? -What next? Do you just stop at the stage of salvation? NO! You constantly and daily meditate on Gods Word. This helps you grow spiritually, helps renew your mind and cleanse it from all defilements and fleshly lust. It also helps in the process of sanctification. Feeding on the Word daily helps you hear and understand God when He speaks. Many of us have been able to know Gods mind concerning certain issues just via studying His Word. He most times sheds light on whats dark when studying His Word. He gives answers to disturbing questions. Psalm 109:115: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -Moreso, prayers should not be relegated to the background. Prayer is a two-way communication. Most people fail to realise that whenever a child of God prays, theres always something God has to say too. Some are always in a haste while praying! Then, how do such intend to hear God when he/she is not patient enough to let Him speak? So many are so lazy to even pray and to study Gods Word! It is not automatic! To scale through the vicissititudes of life, and be singled out amidst the crowd for greatness, one must be a person of prayer. Ask Daniel, Ask Jesus; their lives were characterised by prayers! Repair your prayer altar to start hearing from God. Constant study of Gods Word and fervent Prayers on the altar of Purity, helps in curing a man from spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness. When all these are done faithfully, and regularly; it helps a man in distinguishing between the voice of the devil, the voice of God and his own voice. Note that all these voices are always speaking; but a sanctified child of God is able to discern which is Gods among the voices. God can also speak to you via revelations, visions, inspiration by the Holy Spirit, unfeigned Peace you feel, audible Voice, etc. Whenever God speaks, it always agree with the scriptures and brings glory to His Name. My dear brothers/sisters, have you looked in His direction for THAT WINK? Wont you rather pause before taking that decision? Not only in the area of marriage; even in the area of location, choice of career, purpose in life, etc. We need to know the what, when, where, and how of what God wants us to do. Passing an exam isnt a criteria that its Gods perfect will for us to undertake such exam. Because you experience a little/temporary success on a path, doesnt necessarily mean God is there. The devil is very smart and will take his time to carefully and neatly wrap a faeces in an attractive way just to distract one from the right path! Although God will not reveal the totality of His will to a man all at once, but He reveals the right step to be taken at the right stage! The more we follow Him, the more He leads us! Until a man can discern the voice of God, such man is completely lost!!! The most important need of any serious child of God is to be able to hear clearly from God. The day a man begins to hear from God, his progress begins. Hearing from God is the KEY to obtaining most of the blessings many of us are praying for. THAT WINK is needed! Look in His direction, wait for it, and you will get it! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:47:38 +0000

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