HIS WORD BANK [power of confession] “Benson! Ben!” called - TopicsExpress


HIS WORD BANK [power of confession] “Benson! Ben!” called Emeka, Benson’s friend as he beckons Benson to wait. Benson was on his way to withdrawing his money from bank “Wait!” continued Emeka. This one you are two excited, where are you rushing to?” queried Emeka. “Must you know everything?” replied Benson. “Meanwhile I have one thing for you, as you said last time I’m rich” continued Benson. “Oh! Rich indeed, see how you are looking like a walking rag, yet you have mouth to call yourself rich Well, I’m not surprised, wonders shall never end.” Emeka affronted Benson. But excuse me, what gives you the impetus to think you are rich. Oh! I see the paper? You still believe in that nonsense paper? I foresee your starving grave, if it’s that paper that’s making you too pompous and …” “Thank you my friend Emeka,” Benson interrupted. “I think I have nothing to tell you than I’m rich, bye” Benson waved at Emeka as he continues on his journey. “See this guy is serious, what could’ve given him such confidence? Well we shall see” Emeka wondered. To be continued on Friday Rom. 10: 10-11 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed” Joshua 1:8 “This book of law shall not depart out of thy mouth…” CONFESSION is another factor that stabilizes our confidence in faith and draws our expected salvation. Where we read says that our HEART believes, which is not the problem with so many Christians, But that salvation [emancipation] which we believe in our HEART is useless when we don’t confess. It says but with MOUTH confession is made unto SALVATION. I wonder why people find it very easy to say negative words than positive. They easily say I’m poor, broke, sick even when they don’t feel like that sometimes. And that’s why we are mostly faced by such negative word for the scripture says that by our words we are justified and by our words we shall be condemned. In our tongue is hidden our life and our death Why are we usually ashamed of confessing what God has promised us? A whole lot of Christians are ashamed of confessing what they believed, They know God has promised them what they want but are ashamed of confessing it because looking at themselves they still look unfulfilled. The eleventh verse of where we read says “… whosoever believeth shall not be ASHAMED” The confession of David stabilized his confidence in faith, which finally brought down the head of his prime enemy: Goliath. If we really expect the head of our Goliath on the ground, we MUST NOT be ashamed of confessing what the Lord has said concerning us. For through it our salvation is actualized. GOD SAYS “THERE IS NO BARREN AMONG MY PEOPLE” The question here is, are you God’s child. Then YOU ARE NOT BARREN. Don’t let any professional, Doctor, or anything intimidate you into believing that you are barren. You are too far from that. Any other person can be if such wishes but NOT you. You are a new creature. CONFESS THE WORD OF GOD as Benson did, and don’t let devil talk you out of faith. Then will your confidence in faith be stabilized to produce your expected salvation. Let the book of the law no DEPART from your MOUTH. Which one do you often confess? Newspaper? Or … Don’t forget you become what you often confess. The JUST shall LIVE even among the dead by FAITH. Who says you’ll die? ERROR, Divine ERROR. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE [UNTHINKABLE]. You shall LIVE to testify the goodness of the LORD. CONFESS IT! Confidence leads us to persistence which finally gives us our desire. Until Friday, Remain Blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 06:29:23 +0000

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