HIS140601-1MS HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT PAPER 1 TIME: 2 ½ HOURS MARKING SCHEME 1. Two unwritten sources of Kenya History – Archaeology / palaeontology – Oral traditions – Linguistics – Anthropology – Genetics – Electronics sources 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 2. Two groups of people that form the Coastal Bantu – Mijikenda – Pokomo – Taita – Agriama 3. One fuction of the age set system among the Abagusii – Acted as a military wing for defending the community 1 x 1 = 1 4. Two Greco – Roman records on the E. Africa coast – Periplus of the Erythrean Sea – Ptoleny’s Geography – Natural History 5. Two negative effects of Indian Ocean trade on the Kenyan people – Decline of local industries – Intensification of inter- community warfare – Colonization – Destruction of wildlife 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 6. Two special interest groups that participated in the scramble of Kenya – Missionaries – Traders / imperialists – Explorers 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 7. Two ways in which colonial land policies promoted settler farming / agriculture – Land was acquired for farming – Africans were available labour – Settlers were issued with title deeds which ensured their land ownership 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 8. Two argument advanced by the colonial government to deny Africans academic education – Africans would be aware of their rights – Africans were assumed not to have the mental capacity to pursue academic education 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 9. Missionary who took leadership of YKA in 1924 – Archdeacon Owen 1 x 1 = 1 Mark 10. Two women who actively participated in Mau Mau movement in Kenya – Wanjiru Nyamarutu – Alice Kimathi – Wamuyu Gakuru – Wambui Otieno 11. Colonial secretary who presided over the 2nd Lancaster House Conference 1962 – Reginald Maudling 1 x 1 = 1 Mark 12. Two electoral regulation governing elections in Kenya – The local Government act – The election offences act – The Kenyan constitution – National Assembly and presidential Election act 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 13. Two types of Government expenditure in Kenya – Recurrent expenditure – Capital expenditure/ Development expenditure 1 x 2 = 2 Marks 14. One function the Kadhis courts in Kenya – Settle marriage and divorce cases between Muslims – Settle inheritance disputes between Muslims 15. Name one local Authority responsible for the administration of rural areas – County Council – Area council 1 x 1 = 1 mark SECTION B 16. a. Functions of Council of elders among the Maasai in the pre-colonial period (3 Marks) – Settles disputes – Maintained law and order – Declaring war and raids – Final court of appeal – Advising warriors/ blessing warriors 1 x 3 = 3 Marks b. Political organization of the Luo during the pre- colonial period (12 Marks) – Lowest political unit was the family headed by Jaduong – There was the lineage councils (buch dhot) whose duty was to settle domestic disputes – Several families formed the clan with a council of elders called ‘Doho’ which was responsible for settling inter- family disputes. – A group of clans formed the Oganda which was under a higher council called ‘bunch- piny‘ – Bunch – Piny had the following functions/ Responsible in: o Settling major inter- clan conflicts o Declining criminals e.g. murderers – They had warriors who defended the community and raided neighbours 2 x 6 = 12 Marks 17. a. Three factors that led to the abolition of slave trade in E. Africa 3 Marks – Use of machines which were more efficient and reliable than human labour – Argument by economists e.g. Adams Smith that free people were more willing to work than slaves – Industrialization in Europe where raw market for European manufactured goods – Humanitarians saw it as against human rights 1 x 3 = 3 Marks b. Six positive consequences of long distance trade 12 Marks – It stimulated local and regional trade – Foreign goods found their way to the interior – Introduction of new crops e.g. bananas, sugar cane etc to the interior – Emergence of class of wealth merchants e.g. Chief Kivoi – Development of trade routes – Development of market centres e.g. Mbooni hills – Development of plantation farming because of use of slaves – Introductions of money economy – Islam and Swahili culture spread to the interior 2 x 6 = 12 Marks ½ a mark if examples are not given as in the marking scheme/ any other relevant example 18. a. Three characteristic of independence church movement during the colonial period – They supported African cultural value practices – They support African cultural values & practices – Led by educated Africans/ beneficiaries of missionary education – Were opposed to westernizing influence by missionaries through founded on Christian value – Were closely connected with African political association / nationalist activities – Maintained some aspects of mainstream churches 1 x 3 = 3 Marks b. Factors that influenced formation of political organizations and movements in Kenya after 1945 – The second world war – African fighter were inspired by other people they interacted with during the war – Raising of African awareness due to western education – Acquisition of independence by India, Pakistan and Ghana inspired them – Lack of support for colonies by taxpayers in Europe – Labour party in Britain cause to power in 1945 and support decolonization – Pan – African movement support African Nationalists – Mau Mau uprising forced Britain to decolonize – UNO which was opposed to colonization – Return of Jomo Kenyatta in 1946 which strengthened nationalistic movements. – Nomination of Africans in Legco which provided them with a forum to fight for independence – Support from Trade Union – Establishment of National wide political parties KAU – Emergence of USA and USSR as super power who support decolonization for different reasons 2 x 6 = 12 Marks 19. a. What factors led to the introduction of multi- party democracy in Kenya in 1992 5 Marks – Intolerance of KANU to dissenting views of the people which often resulted in the expulsion of those who disagreed – Alleged rigging of the 1988 general elections by KANU – Pressure from donor community who tied finances to multi-party democracy – Repressive measures by the government e.g. denial of licenses for public meetings – Repeal of section 2 (A) of the Kenya constitution in December 1991 – Influence from other African states which had adopted multi- partysm of Zambia 1 x 5 Marks b. Explain how the existence of many parties has benefit the people of Kenya 2 x 5 = 10 Marks – Freedom of assembly and association has been enhanced – Has facilitated accountability and transparency in the government – The application of the rule of law has improved – The fear of a powerful one party dictatorship has been eliminated – The opposition has acted as a check and balance to minimize the excesses of authority by the government – Freedom of speech for both individual and mass media has been improved – A growing number of Kenyans are now more politically aware than before – It led to repeal of some unjust and oppressive laws e.g. chief act – Kenya’s image by foreign donor and investors has improved hence economic development SECTION C 20. a. Three political duties of a Kenya citizen – Voting / participating in civic affairs / party politics – Building / promoting democracy – Offering checks and balance to control excesses of power – Participate in public policy development / advocating for favourable policies and legislation 1 x 3 = 3 Marks b. Six instances when the rights of a person to own property can be limited in Kenya – When satisfying any penalty for breach of civil and criminal law – In collection of tax, duty, rate or other levies – When property is seen to be dangerous to the health of a person, animal or plant – Execution of a court order – If property is required temporary for examination, investigator, inquiry, trial. Soil. Conservation or agricultural development – Belongs to a deceased person, a person of unsound mind or a minor for its administration to the benefit of the persons entitled to benefit – Belong to a person or company adjudged bankrupt – Its subject to a trust for purposes of giving effect to the trust – Condition of lease, mortgage or contract 2 x 6 = 12 Marks 21. a. Five functions of a constitution – Protects rights and freedom of a citizen and define their responsibilities – It’s the basic upon which the government is established – Defines the relationship between the governors and the governed – Spells out the legal framework from which the law of the country are made – Promote national unity 5 x 1 = 5 Marks b. The duties of the prison warders in Kenya 10 Marks – Offer prisoners security when they are in prison – They maintain law and order in the prison – They supervise prisoners and execute court orders – They train prison wardens to acquire certain skills e.g. carpentry to help them become useful members in the society – They help to rehabilitate prisoners member in the society – Entertain the public during public / national functions e.g. Madaraka day 5 x 2 = 10 Marks 22. a. Sources of revenue for local authorities in Kenya 3 Marks – Fee from licences – Cess – Grants from the government/ loans – Rents from building / social hall / stadia – Fines – Donations from well wishers e.g. Mayor Christmas trees 3 Marks b. Five measures taken by the government of Kenya to ensure proper use of public funds – Establishment of anti- corruption unit – Establish of the office of the auditor and controller general – Appointments of P.S as accounting officer – Regular tendering and procurement systems – Sensitizing the public of evils of corruption – Empowering parliament to exercise country over public finance – Approval of parliament is needed on the budget / supplementary estimates – Giving of power to incur expenses only to certain officers – Prosecution of those who misuse public funds – Accounting of imprests by government officers after duty (official receipts) 6 x 2 = 12 Marks ======================== ========
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:11:46 +0000

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