HISTORICAL EVENTS ON 1ST MARCH AS RECORDED. 752 BC - Romulus, first king of Rome, celebrates the first Roman triumph after his victory over the Caeninenses, following the Rape of the Sabine Women. 86 BC - Lucius Cornelius Sulla, at the head of a Roman Republic army, enters Athens, removing the tyrant Aristion who was supported by troops of Mithridates VI of Pontus. 293 - Roman emperor Maximianus introduces tetrarchy 317 - Crispus and Constantine II, sons of Roman Emperor Constantine I, and Licinius Iunior, son of Emperor Licinius, are made Caesares 492 - St Felix III ends his reign as Catholic Pope 492 - St Gelasius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope 705 - John VII begins his reign as Catholic Pope 743 - Slave export by Christians to heathen areas prohibited 918 - Balderik becomes bishop of Utrecht 1260 - Hulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis, conquerors Damascus 1382 - French Maillotin uprises against taxes 1420 - Pope Martinus I calls for crusade against the hussieten 1457 - The Unitas Fratrum is established in the village of Kunvald, on the Bohemian-Moravian borderland. It is to date the second oldest Protestant denomination. 1562 - Blood bath at Vassy: Gen de Guise allows 1200 huguenots murder 1565 - Portuguese soldier Estácio de Sá founds the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1587 - English parliament leader Peter Wentworth confined in London Tower 1591 - Pope Gregory XIV threatens to excommunicate French king Henri IV 1593 - The Uppsala Synod is summoned to confirm the exact forms of the Lutheran Church of Sweden. 1628 - Writs are issued in February by Charles I of England mandating that every county in England (not just seaport towns) pay ship tax by this date. King Charles IKing Charles I 1633 - Samuel de Champlain reclaims his role as commander of New France on behalf of Cardinal Richelieu. 1634 - Battle at Smolensk: Polish King Wladyslaw IV beats Russians 1642 - Georgeana (York) Maine became the 1st incorporated American city 1692 - Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba arrest for witchcraft (Salem, MA) 1711 - The Spectator begins publishing (London) 1780 - Pennsylvania becomes 1st US state to abolish slavery (for new-borns only) 1781 - Continental Congress adopts Articles of Confederation 1784 - E Kidner opens 1st cooking school, in Great Britain 1785 - Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture organized 1790 - 1st US census authorized 1792 - US Presidential Succession Act passed 1796 - 1st National Meeting in the Hague 1803 - Ohio becomes 17th state 1809 - Embargo Act of 1807 repealed & Non-Intercourse Act signed 1811 - Egyptian king Muhammad Ali Pasha oversees ceremonial murder of 500 1811 - French Civil Code of Criminal law accepted by Netherlands Mamelukes in Cairos Citadel 1815 - Sunday observance in Netherlands regulated by law 1840 - Adolphe Thiers becomes prime minister of France. 1845 - President Tyler signs a resolution annexing the Republic of Texas 1847 - Michigan becomes 1st English-speaking jurisdiction to abolish the death penalty (except for treason against the state) 1852 - Archibald William Montgomerie, 13th Earl of Eglinton appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 1854 - SS City of Glasgow leaves Liverpool harbor & is never seen again 1854 - German psychologist Friedrich Eduard Beneke disappears; two years later his remains are found in a canal near Charlottenburg. 1859 - Present seal of SF adopted (its 2nd) 1864 - Louis Ducos du Hauron patents movie machine (never built) 1864 - Rebecca Lee (US) becomes 1st black woman to receive a medical degree 1866 - Paraguayan canoes sink 2 Brazilian ironclads on Rio Parana 1867 - Howard University, Washington DC, chartered 1867 - Most of Nebraska becomes 37th US state (expanded later) 1869 - Postage stamps showing scenes are issued for 1st time 1871 - J Milton Turner named minister to Liberia 1872 - Yellowstone becomes worlds 1st national park 1873 - E. Remington and Sons in Ilion, New York begins production of the first practical typewriter. 1875 - Congress passes Civil Rights Act; invalidated by Supreme Ct, 1883 1876 - Guernsey Cattle Club forms (Farmington Conn) 1878 - First winter ascent of Aneto 1879 - Library of Hawaii founded 1886 - The Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore is founded by Bishop William Oldham. 1890 - 1st US edition of Sherlock Holmes (Study in Scarlet) published 1893 - Diplomatic Appropriation Act, authorizes the US rank of ambassador 1896 - Battle of Adwa: 80,000 Ethiopians destroy 20,000 Italians in Ethopia Physicist/Nobel Laureate Henri BecquerelPhysicist/Nobel Laureate Henri Becquerel 1896 - Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity. 1904 - England regains cricket Ashes taking a 3-1 series lead v Australia 1909 - 1st US university school of nursing established, Univ of Minn 1910 - 3 passenger trains buried at Stevens Pass in Cascade Range. 118 die. Worst snow slide in US history 1912 - Capt Albert Berry performs 1st parachute jump from an airplane 1912 - Isabella Goodwin, 1st US woman detective, appointed, NYC 1913 - 1st state law requiring bonding of officers & state employees, ND 1913 - Federal income tax takes effect (16th amendment) 1914 - Dutch Minister of war H Colijn named director of British Petroleum 1914 - The Republic of China joins the Universal Postal Union. 1916 - Germany begins attacking ships in the Atlantic 1917 - 1st federal land bank chartered 1917 - U.S. government releases the plaintext of the Zimmermann Telegram to the public. 1919 - Demonstrations for Korean independence from Japan begin 1919 - March 1st Movement begins in Korea. 1920 - Austria becomes a kingdom again, under Adm Horthy 1920 - Buriat ASSR, in RSFSR, constituted 1921 - Australia Cricket team complete 5-0 drubbing of England 1921 - Rwanda ceded to Great Britain 1921 - Sailors revolt in Kronstadt Russia 1923 - Allies occupy Ruhrgebied: killing railroad striker 1924 - Germanys prohibition of Communist Party KPD lifted 1927 - Bank of Italy becomes a Natl Bank 1928 - Paul Whiteman & orchestra record Ol Man River for Victor Records Aviator Charles LindberghAviator Charles Lindbergh 1932 - Charles Lindbergh Jr (20 months), kidnapped in NJ; found dead May 12 1933 - Bank holidays declared in 6 states, to prevent run on banks 1934 - Henry Pu Yi crowned emperor Kang Teh of Manchuria 1934 - Primo Carnera beats Tommy Loughran in 15 for heavyweight boxing title 1936 - The Hoover Dam is completed. 1936 - A strike occurs aboard the S.S. California, leading to the demise of the International Seamens Union and the creation of the National Maritime Union. 1937 - 1st permanent automobile license plates issued (Ct) 1937 - Gov Wouters innaugrates the radio station on the Dutch Antilles 1937 - US Steel raises workers wages to $5 a day 1939 - Japanese Imperial Army ammunition dump exploded at Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, killing 94. 1940 - Richard Wrights novel Native Son is published 1941 - Captain America appears in a comic book 1941 - 1st US commercial FM radio station goes on the air, Nashville, Tenn 1941 - Elmer Layden becomes 1st NFL commissioner 1941 - German troops invade Bulgaria 31st US President Herbert Hoover31st US President Herbert Hoover 1941 - Himmler inspects Auschwitz concentration camp 1942 - 3 day Battle of Java Sea ends, US suffers a major naval defeat 1942 - Baseball decides that players in milt cant play when on furlough 1942 - J Milton Cage Jrs Imaginary Landscape No 3, premieres in Chicago 1942 - Japanese troops occupy Kalidjati airport in Java 1942 - Suriname camp for NSB people opens to save Jews 1942 - Tito establishes 2nd Proletarit Brigade in Bosnia 1943 - Jewish old age home for disabled in Amsterdam raided 1944 - Massive strikes in Northern Italian towns 1944 - U-358 sinks in Atlantic 1945 - British 43rd Division under Gen Essame occupies Xanten 1945 - Chinese 30th division occupies Hsenwi 1945 - FDR announces success of Yalta Conference 1945 - Fieldmarshal Kesselring succeeds von Rundstedt as commander 1945 - US infantry regiment captures Mönchengladbach 32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1946 - British government takes control of Bank of England, after 252 years 1946 - Panama accepts its new constitution 1946 - The Bank of England is nationalised. 1947 - International Monetary Fund begins operation 1949 - Joe Louis retires as heavyweight boxing champ 1949 - The Browns, owners of Sportsmans Park, move to evict the Cardinals 1949 - Indonesia seizes Yogyakarta from the Dutch. 1950 - Chiang Kai-shek resumed the presidency of National China on Formosa 1950 - Klaus Fuchs sentenced to 14 years for atomic espionage (London) 1950 - USSR issues golden rubles 1952 - Egyptian government-Ali Maher Pasja resigns 1952 - Helgoland, in North Sea, returned to West Germany by Britain 1953 - Babe Didrikson-Zaharias wins LPGA Sarasota Golf Open 1953 - KAUZ TV channel 6 in Wichita Falls, TX (CBS) begins broadcasting 1953 - KTNT (now KSTW) TV channel 11 in Tacoma-Seattle, WA (IND) begins 1953 - WJZ-AM in NYC becomes WABC; WJZ-TV in Baltimore final transmission 1953 - WTAJ TV channel 10 in Altoona, PA (CBS) begins broadcasting Soviet Union Premier Joseph StalinSoviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin 1953 - Joseph Stalin suffers a stroke and collapses. He dies four days later. 1954 - 4 Puerto Ricans open fire in US house of reps injuring 5 reps 1954 - In spring training, baseballer Ted Williams breaks his collarbone 1954 - Rebellion during visit of pres Naguib in Khartoum Sudan, 30 die 1954 - US explodes 15 megaton hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll 1955 - Israeli assault on Gaza, kills 48 1955 - KFAR (now KATN) TV channel 2 in Fairbanks, AK (ABC/NBC) 1st broadcast 1955 - Pakistan v India 5 Test Cricket series ends in a 0-0 draw 1956 - The International Air Transport Association finalizes a draft of the Radiotelephony spelling alphabet for the International Civil Aviation Organization. 1957 - Ziegfeld Follies of 1957 opens at Winter Garden NYC for 123 perfs 1957 - KTWO TV channel 2 in Casper, WY (NBC/ABC/CBS) begins broadcasting 1957 - Kokomo the Chimp becomes Today Show animal editor 1958 - Gary Sobers 365* v Pak, 614 min, 38 fours, best Cricket before Lara 1958 - Sobers completes 446 stand for 2nd wicket with Conrad Hunte, 260 1958 - West Indies cricket declare at stumps score of 3-790 decl v Pakistan Baseball Player Ted WilliamsBaseball Player Ted Williams 1958 - Samuel Alphonsus Stritch, is appointed Pro-Prefect of the Propagation of Faith and thus becomes the first American member of the Roman Curia. 1959 - Archbishop Makarios returns to Cyprus after 3 years 1959 - Beverly Hanson wins LPGA Golden Triangle Festival Golf Tournament 1961 - Cellist Jacqueline du Prés debut in Wigmore Hall 1961 - President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corp 1962 - American Airlines 707 plunges nose 1st into Jamaica Bay NY killing 95 1962 - K-Mart opens 1962 - US/British nuclear test experiment in Nevada 1963 - 200,000 French mine workers strike 1965 - Australia suspends champ swimmer Dawn Fraser for 10-yrs for misconduct 1965 - Gas explosion kills 28 in apartment complex (La Salle, Quebec) 1965 - WPSX TV channel 3 in Clearfield, PA (PBS) begins broadcasting 1966 - Baath-party takes power in Syria 1966 - Venera 3 becomes 1st man-made object to impact on a planet (Venus) 1967 - Dominica & St Lucia gain independence from Britain 1967 - House of Reps expels Rep Adam Clayton Powell Jr (307 to 116) 1967 - Queen Elizabeth Hall (South Bank Center) opens in London 1967 - WMET (now WHSW) TV channel 24 in Baltimore, MD (IND) 1st broadcast 1968 - NBCs unprecedented on-air announcement, Star Trek will return 1968 - Pirate Radio Atlantis South (England) begins test transmitting 1968 - Political Party Radikalen (PPR) established in Netherlands 1968 - Vatican Citys Apostolic Constitution of 1967 goes into effect 1969 - Red, White, & Maddox closes at Cort Theater NYC after 41 perfs 1969 - After 88 weeks Sgt Pepper drops off the charts 1969 - Jim Morrison arrested for exposing himself at Dinner Key Auditorium 1969 - NY Yankees Mickey Mantle retires 1969 - Pirate Radio 259 begins operation off the French coast 1970 - Atje Keulen-Deelstra becomes world champion all-round ladies skater 1970 - Charles Mansons album Lie is released 1970 - End of US coml whale hunting 1970 - Kreiskys soc-democrats win Austrian parliamentary election 1970 - White government of Rhodesia declares independence from Britain 1971 - Bomb attack on the Capitol in Wash DC 1971 - Clandestine Radio Deutsche Reich (Germany) begins transmitting on FM 1972 - Club of Rome publishes report Boundaries on the Growth 1972 - David Rabes Sticks & Bones, premieres in NYC 1972 - KHMA TV channel 11 in Houma, LA (IND) begins broadcasting 1972 - Wilt Chamberlain is 1st NBA player to score 30,000 points 1973 - Robert Joffrey Dance Company opens 1973 - Robyn Smith becomes 1st female jockey to win a major race 1974 - George Harrison announces his concert tour of US in November 1974 - Ian & Greg Chappell make 264 partnership v NZ cricket at Wellington 1974 - Watergate grand jury indicts 7 presidential aides 1975 - 17th Grammy Awards: I Honestly Love You, Marvin Hamlisch win 1975 - Eagles Best of My Love reaches #1 1975 - Colour television transmissions begin in Australia. 1977 - Bank of America adopts the name VISA for their credit cards 1977 - US extends territorial waters to 200 miles 1978 - Timbuktu! opens at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC for 243 performances Comedian/Actor/Filmaker Charlie ChaplinComedian/Actor/Filmaker Charlie Chaplin 1978 - Charlie Chaplins coffin and remains are stolen from a Swiss cemetery 1979 - Sweeney Todd opens at Uris Theater NYC for 557 performances 1980 - CTUC, Commonwealth Trade Union Council, established 1980 - Hilbert van der Duim becomes world champion all-round skater 1980 - Patti Smith & MC5 guitarist Fred Sonic Smith wed in Detroit
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 03:09:16 +0000

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