HISTORY OF HAZRAT ALI Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S.) was the cousin - TopicsExpress


HISTORY OF HAZRAT ALI Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S.) was the cousin and son-in-Law of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is outside the scope of this presentation to record the numerous achievements and merits of ImamAli (A.S.). His exalted personality is such that even the most learned scholars are at a loss to fathom his greatness. Name Hazrat Ali (a.s) laqab or Title Amirul Momineen Family Name Abu Turab Father’s Name Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s) Mother’s Name Fatima daughter of Asad Number of Children 11 sons and 16 daughters Date of Birth 13th Rajab, 30th Ammulfeel Place of Birth Makkah, Inside Kaaba Marry Hazrat Fatima-tu-Zahra (s.a) Date of Martyrdom 21st Ramdhan, 40th Hijri Age in Years 63 Period of Imamat 29 yeas King at the Time of Birth Shaheryar King at the Time of Martyrdom Muawiya Cause of Martyrdom Injured by Poisonous sword Burial Place Najaf, Iraq History and Life of Hazrat Ali A.S: The miraculous circumstance of ImamAli’s birth givesus an indication of his unique position in relation to Allah (s.w.t.)*. Imam Ali was born in 600A.D., on the 13th of Rajab, within the holy precincts of the Kaba, the house of Allah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. His mother, Fatima bint e Asad, experienced labor pains and walked towards the Holy Kaba. Its wall miraculously split, she entered the sanctuary, and the gap sealed itself behind her. Onlookers panicked and rushed to enter it, but could not unlock the door. She emerged three days later, after the baby was born. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the first person besides Ali’s mother to hold the newborn in his arms, and when Ali opened his eyes, it was the face of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that he first saw. In the history of the Kaba, this is the only known instance of a person being born within its holy precincts. His ancestry: Ali’s father was Hazrat Abu Talib, the chief of the Hashemite tribe and an uncle of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Thus, both of Imam Ali’s parents were of noble ancestry, belonging to the tribe of Banu Hashim. The idol worshipers of Mecca had plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in order to prevent his message of monotheism from spreading. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was informed by Allah (s.w.t.) of the plot, and decided to make Hijra (migration), for the sake of Allah (s.w.t.) to the city of Medina, so as to carry on his mission. He asked Imam Ali, his young cousin, to sleep in his bed in order to distract and confuse the assassins and allow him time to escape. Imam Ali gladly accepted this responsibility, risking his life so that the Prophet’s life would be saved. Imam Ali slept soundly, surrounded by the drawn swords of the Prophet’s blood-thirsty enemies. When asked later on in what state he had spent that night, Imam Ali replied that he had never slept so peacefully before in his life! Allah was so pleased with this exemplary act of sacrifice that He revealed the following verse of the Qur’an: “And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is full of kindness to (His) servants.” During the ministry of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), two events in particular shed light on the unique distinction and position of Imam Ali. One occurred at the very beginning of the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh)mission, and the other was near the end of the Prophet’s life. One is The Feast of Dhul ’Asheera and Second is The event of Ghadir-e-Khum. To View Complete Hazrat Imam Ali Family Tree Chart History of Hazrat Ali, Family Tree Life Imam Ali on the battlefield and Sword The Battle of Badr: This battle alone provides an adequate example of Ali’s courage, valor, and unmatched fighting skills. It is hardly an exaggeration to Hazrat Ali Sword Zulafqarsay that he alone was responsible for the victory in that battle. This battle took place in themonth of Ramadan, 2 A.H., 624 A.D. About 1,000 Meccan Quraish warriors challenged some 313 illprepared and poorly equippedMuslims; the gross mismatch was obvious. In the ensuing battle, Imam Ali (A.S.) killed several famous Arab warriors, sending a wave of fear through the enemy ranks and dashing their hopes of victory. TheMeccan army retreated in shameful defeat. A total of 70 of the enemy soldiers had been killed and 36 of themhad fallen to Ali’s sword. The Battle of Uhud: This battle took place in the following year. The Quraish ofMecca mobilized a large army and returned to avenge their defeat at the hands of the Muslims. Initially, the Muslims were victorious. However, due to the greed and disobedience of some of the Muslim soldiers, who abandoned their posts and ran to collect the spoils of war, the enemy had time to regroup and launch a new offensive, overpowering the defensive lines of the Muslim army. Panic ensued as there was a cry that “Muhammad is dead!” Upon hearing these cries, even more of the Muslims fled the battlefield in confusion and fear. Only four faithful and brave soldiers and companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) remained by his side to protect him. They were Ali, Hamza, Abu Dujana, and Zakwan. At one point Ali alone was defending the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p). Ali beckoned to the Muslims that the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) was alive, and to return to their duty. Thereafter, the Muslims regrouped and defeated the enemy. Imam Ali killed 28 renowned Arab warriors and received 16 wounds. The Prophet himself was injured. Had it not been for Ali, the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) would have been killed. Later on, the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) informed the Muslims that Angel Gabriel was there on the battlefield, loudly praising Ali with these words: “There is no braver youth than Ali, and there is no better sword than Zulfiqar!”(The name given to Ali’s famous two-pronged sword). This is event is recorded in Waqudi’s “History of the Prophets,” and in Tabari’s “Tarikh”. The Battle of the Trench (Ahzab): In the 5th year after Hijra, the Meccans returned with 10,000 soldiers, determined once and for all to wipe out Islam. The Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) ordered that a trench be dug around the camp of the Muslim army, in order to protect his small force of 2,000 fighters. In command of the Meccan army was Amr ibn Abdul-Wudh, a fierce and mighty warrior who was as renowned and feared in Arabia as equal to the great Persian warrior Rustum. He and several of his brave companions managed to jump their horses across the trench and challenged the Muslims to hand-tohand combat. One by one, Amr called out the names of some of the most well-known individuals and companions of the Prophet in the Muslim camp and challenged them to duel, but they did not respond, being frozen by fear. Only ImamAli stood upwith thewill and resolve to accept Amr’s challenge. But the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) did not allow him to fight. Finally, Amr taunted theMuslims collectively, and the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) in particular, as cowards unwilling to put their faith to the test. He threw a spear directly at the tent of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) which pierced his tent. Ali was finally granted permission by the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) to go out and fight Amr. The Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) declared, as he sent Ali out to fight, “Today, faith in embodiment is facing infidelity in embodiment.”Many of theMuslims, thinking thatAliwas nomatch forAmr, came out to look at Ali’s face for the last time. In the ensuing duel however, Ali killed Amr as well as two other renowned enemy warriors. The remaining oneswho had jumped the trench fled back to their own ranks. The Meccans besieged the Muslim camp for several days and finally retreated from the battlefield due to dwindling supplies, adverse weather, and low morale. Thus, it was Imam Ali alone who was responsible for demolishing the morale of the enemy and securing victory for the Muslim warriors. The Battle of Khyber: In the 7th year after Hijra, the Muslims marched against the rebellious Jewish clan which was holding the fortress of Khyber. On two successive days the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) sent the Muslim army under the leadership of a different commander from among his Sahaba, but in both instances theMuslims came back defeated. Al-Bukhari and Muslim have recorded in their Sahih collections that on the eve before the third day of battle, the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) announced, “Tomorrow, I shall give the standard (flag) of Islam to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, and Allah and His Messenger love him.”He also added that it would be to the man “…who is brave, who would not show his back to the enemy, and would not return without success.”Every soldier in theMuslim army went to sleep that night pondering who that man would be, and praying that the honor would be bestowed on him. The next morning, the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) called for ImamAli, gave himthe standard of Islam, and sent the army out under his command. Ali fought and killed the mighty and dreaded warrior Mehrab, as well as several other highly reputed enemy warriors. He also broke open the door of the fortress single-handedly and flung it across themoat so that theMuslimarmy could enter and secure the fortress. When Ali victoriously returned, theHoly Prophet (pbuh&p) embraced himand showered him with praises, including these words: “…Ali, you will be nearest to me on the Day of Judgment; you will be next to me at the Fountain of Kauthar; your blood is my blood, your flesh is my flesh, your friendship is my friendship, and your enmity is my enmity; a war against you is a war against me!” The Marriage of Hazrat Imam Ali. Imam Ali’s marriage with Hazrat Fatima, the daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p), took place in the 2nd year after Hijra. Whereas the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) had refusedmany proposals for her from prominent and wealthy companions, he was delighted when Ali approached him asking for his daughter’s hand, and said that it was a welcome and happy proposal. The Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) also later informed the Muslims that since he had no male heir, Allah (s.w.t.) decreed that his progeny would issue forth from the union of his daughter Fatima with Ali. On the occasion of their marriage, the Holy Prophet (pbuh&p) prayed to Allah (s.w.t.) with these words: “O Allah! Bless both of them, sanctify their progeny, and grant them the keys of Thy beneficence, the treasures of Thy wisdom and Thy genius, and let both of them be a source of peace and blessing to my people.” Shahdat of Hazrat Imam Ali A.S and Roza Mubarak (Tomb/Grave):History of Hazrat Ali Tomb Grave Roza Mubarak During his brief rule of about 6 years, Hazrath Ali had to deal with corruption, rebellion by his Governors and officials, and treachery by his own followers. He fought several wars to defend his principles and to maintain the integrity of the Muslim Empire. He died amartyr at the age of 63 on the 21st of themonth of Ramadan, 40 A.H., after being mortally wounded by a Kharijite while he was praying in the mosque at Kufa. His words when he was struck with the sword were: “I thank thee O’ Lord for rewarding me with martyrdom. How kind and Gracious of Thee. May ThyMercies furtherme to the Glory of Thy realm.”He was martyred by the Khwariji named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam at Kufa during the month of Ramadhan in the fortieth year of Hijrah and is buried in Najaf on the outskirts of Kufa. Hazrat Ali knowledge: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&p) said this about Imam Ali (A.S.): “I am the City of Knowledge, and Ali is the gate.” He also said: “Verily the Holy Qur’anis revealed on seven letters (levels) of which there is no letter which has not amanifest (exoteric)and a latent (esoteric) meaning, and verily Ali Ibne Abi Talib, with him is the (knowledge of) manifest and the latent (of it.)”Sahih al-Bukhari& Suyuti’s Itqaan. The above two Hadiths speak volumes about Ali’s knowledge. Note: I have Collected All detailed information about Hazrat Imam Ali A.S and Struggle to Provide Exact information for Swab Purpose.If found any mistake in Typing or any other please inform me and Almighty Allah Forgive me. Thanks
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:59:42 +0000

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