HISTORY OF INDIA 1. The Battle of Plassey was fought in A. - TopicsExpress


HISTORY OF INDIA 1. The Battle of Plassey was fought in A. 1757 B. 1782 C. 1748 D. 1764 2. The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of A. Sutlej and Beas B. Jhelum and Chenab C. Ravi and Chenab D. Ganga and Yamuna 3. Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after A. military affairs B. the state treasury C. the royal household D. the land revenue system 4. Tripitakas are sacred books of A. Buddhists B. Hindus C. Jains D. None of the above 5. The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent A. Nirvana B. Sangha C. Buddha D. Dhamma 6. The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Dadabhai Naoroji C. R.C. Dutt D. M.K. Gandhi 7. The treaty of Srirangapatna was signed between Tipu Sultan and A. Robert Clive B. Cornwallis C. Dalhousie D.Warren Hastings 8. The system of competitive examination for civil service was accepted in principle in the year A. 1833 B. 1853 C. 1858 D. 1882 9. Under an agreement with which of the following countries did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj? A. China B. Germany C. Italy D. Japan 10 The treaty of Mangalore was signed between A. the English East India Company and Haidar Ali B. the English East India Company and Tipu Sultan C. Haidar Ali and the Zamorin of Calicut D. the French East India Company and Tipu Sultan 11 To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for freedom of India mainly belonged? A. Lawyers B. Teachers C. Journalists D. All of the above 12 To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated A. Ghurids B. Arabs C. Karkotakas D. Hindushahis 13 Todar Mal was associated with A. music B. literature C. land revenue reforms D. law 14 The title of Viceroy was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in A. 1848 AD B. 1856 AD C. 1858 AD D. 1862 AD 15 Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. There were A. Babar and Humayun B. Humayun and Jahangir C. Babar and Jahangir D. Jahangir and Shahjahan 16 To which king belongs the Lion capitol at Sarnath? A. Chandragupta B.Ashoka C. Kanishka D.Harsha 17 The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the A. 9th Century AD B. 10th Century AD C. 12th Century AD D. 14th Century AD 18 The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was A. Bhojpuri B. Magadhi C. Pali D. Sanskrit 19 Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India. A. Assam B. Punjab C. Bengal D. N.W.F.P and the Sylhet district of Assam 20 The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was A. Hind Keasri B. Kaiser-e-Hind C. Rai Bahadur D. Rt. Honorable Answer 1 A 2B 3A 4A 5A 6B 7B 8B 9D 10B 11D 12 D 13C 14 C 15 C 16B 17d 18 c 19d 20b
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:10:23 +0000

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