HISTORY OF RESISTANCE TO UK MALAYAN PLAN TO TAKEOVER BORNEO TERRITORIES Our history has been denied & hidden by Malayans who refuse to accept the facts that our people did oppose Malayas imperialist agenda to colonize our country from 1960s to 2015! Everyone should read the declassified British colonial documents to understand how UK colluded with Malaya to takeover the Borneo territories. Only Brunei Successfully resisted this Malaysia re-colonization plan. A summary of some of the docs is provided by Prof AJ Stockwell in his book the Making of Malaysia. 2008. goodreads/author/show/4384011.A_J_Stockwell (Singapore freely became independent from Malaysia on 7 Aug 1965 with UMNOs blessings. So if Spore can leave Msia freely so can Sabah & Sarawak) They even took up arms to fight UK & Malayan invasion in the Brunei Uprising on Dec 8 1962 and later this became the independence war from 1962 to 1990 led by the communist and nationalists in the guerrilla war to resist imposition of Malaysia. UK & Malaya threw in a combined Commonwealth force of over 50,000 land air and sea forces at the peak to suppress the independence war which they tried play down as an insurgency. Also watch this video PUBLICLY shown in the Sabah film festival in 2014 . History of the Borneo Resistance to Malaysia: kkiff/asian-pacific-directors-spotlight-the-red-rain-on-the-equator-the-hidden-history-of-borneo-saturday-8-june-8-00pm/
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 23:28:20 +0000

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