HITTING A WOMAN IS NEVER OK PERIOD! THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION! NEGRO LEAVE AND DON’T COME BACK TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND HER! IF YOUR MOTHER WAS BEAT AND TOLD YOU HER HUSBAND, MAN, ETC HIT HER BECAUSE SHE SAID SOMETHING DEGRADING OR SHE HIT HIM FIRST WOULD THAT MATTER TO YOU….NO! IF YOUR DAUGHTER CAME HOME WITH A BLACK EYE FROM HER BOYFRIEND AND SAID I HIT HIM FIRST OR SHE TOLD YOU SHE SAID OR DID SOMETHING DISRESPECTFUL TO HIM WOULD THAT BE OK?!!! HECK THE HELL NO! SO WHY IS IT OK FOR ANY OTHER WOMAN!!!! If the media talks about it every day until Jesus comes back GOOD!!!!Maybe We need to hear it until we can tell a brother, friend, cousin, etc. Fighting or beating a woman is not ok. Maybe we need to get so sick of hearing it that we know not to blame the victim. Maybe we need to be so tired of hearing it that we recognize the signs and can tell the victim how to get help. Maybe we get so flooded by it that when we hear the neighbors fighting we call the police instead of turn a blind ear Maybe we need hear it so much we realize Domestic Violence is disproportionately affecting African American families African American Women and Children and This Brother (Rice)hitting then dragging this Sister across the floor like a piece of trash should at least have us pissed every time we see it and on our knees praying to God!!!!!!! I worked at a Domestic Violence Shelter for several years. We helped abused victims escape and then rebuild their lives. I saw the black eyes and broken limbs and crying kids and hearts and families shattered, but I also saw Women recover, restore, and rebuild. Unless you were a victim of Domestic Violence Shut-Up! Unless you had to go to a DV Shelter because you were in danger Shut-Up! Unless you grew up in a household where your Parents or Guardians came to blows on a regular basis Shut-Up! Unless you worked, cared, or helped someone in that situation Shut-Up!! PLEASE STOP WITH THAT BACKWARDS, BAMA, CAVEMAN, MISOGYNISTIC, RETARDED THINKING AND POSTS IN ALL THINGS GET AN UNDERSTANDING!!!! The Places below offer help, counseling, shelter, Etc. to Domestic Violence Victims Domestic Violence Shelters Brighter Tomorrows 972.262.8383 Genesis Shelter 214.942.2998 Mosaic Family Services 214-823-4434 New Beginnings 972.276.0057 Salvation Army 214.424.7208 The Family Place 214.941.1991
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:27:54 +0000

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