HITTING THE JESUS LOTTO1 The actual definition for the word - TopicsExpress


HITTING THE JESUS LOTTO1 The actual definition for the word prosperity has been so jacked up. Gods true prosperity was always defined by the ultimate blessing of Men and women with Children. A gift from God changed my ability to carry on. I went from riches to rags and then BAM! I hit the lotto twice! One, I cultivated relationship with Jesus. Only to SEE and experience how faithful he is. Two, God gave me a son. Having a son to serve in Christ has been a miracle in my life! Having a son, raising him, caring for him, loving him and EXPERIENCING his life for me has been so purposeful, so priceless. Just when all felt so lost, a son came out of nowhere! Now I know how he has my every breath my every day planned. But I did not then. I was at a severe impasse! God has to wait until we are broken. Then bam!, MY MIRACLE! Something happened, I recognized my need for Jesus, I knew he was my ONLY way back to God, God. My eyes were opened! I saw the importance of my patient, loving, good, kind and merciful God. I saw his love for me. He just stood there and smiled. . Yes, Jesus stood in my wreckage and took my hand. I traded it all in for a robe a ring. In my darkest hour, God smiled on me and celebrated my home coming! No drug or worldly dream compares to the riches of heaven! I received the Holy Spirit and a son to raise, a son to teach the word of God to, to share my life with. A new life. It definitely wasnt about me anymore. lol. I have learned much from my son. I have been so humbled by this experience. I thank God everyday for this gift. I used to be the glutton.The star of the Mark show! I was caught up in the world, so blinded by material things. By lust, by greed. I did pray. I pleaded with God to fill the bottomless pit in my heart. God pulled me from the pit of my depravity! I belonged on the cross. But Jesus went there for me. I know what Gods forgiveness can do. Jesus will set you free. God has two desire. God wants you to receive his grace and for you to know the truth. Everyday has had its own challenges. God is patient and merciful. It is a slow process when we hold back our surrender. But it is scary to trust when you dont know how. Each day of the approximate twelve years of my full OBSESSION with Gods word has been a tremendous grace experience. I accepted Christ thirty years ago. But I was foolish to think that I could spiritually survive with out surrendering my life to him. So twenty crazy years flew by like a blur. Today, Gods love, his commitment IS the one thing that has been a constant. My life has been a new and wonderful experience in Christ. My old habits have not left over night. Christ is NOT an immediate cure all for character defects . He is however immediate forgiveness. Somewhere between being allowed to forgive myself and Gods grace, a new man slowly emerged. Some behavior holds tight. Stupid behavior swings back at us like a wrecking ball. But Jesus was THE ONLY ONE who didnt make me feel like I owed more than I could ever pay for my past. It all worked out! Just like it says in Romans 8:28-29. I love my purpose now. I love sharing THE GOSPEL! Facebookers, I trust God. Ask me to help you, I will by pointing you to Christ. Our father is THE God of the UNIVERSE! He loves you and is waiting for you to put your faith in Christ! Never has he left me stranded. Patients has been the hardest thing to earn. But with it, faith is developed and trusting God is possible. Hence the fruit from glorifying the Lord is tangible. My friends, We are more than conquerors! in Christ Jesus. I love you. I want to help, God understands everything. . No matter what ignorance may say. There is power in the promises of God and the THE OLD AND NEW COVENANT. That power resurrected Jesus and WILL not fail to resurrect our lives. Im not afraid anymore. Your fear will leave you when Gods spirit fills you. HEAVEN IS REAL. All that is in this earth will pass away. Please plan your future ask Jesus to open your eyes! Give God a chance! Through the saving grace of Christ, God will provide you with an open door. The other doors pale in comparison.. Jesus is the door! Jesus is the only true way. The only truth. The only result that resolves eternally. In Christ YOU WILL NEVER LOOK BACK!. Lets take the journey together!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:50:46 +0000

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