HIV/AIDS HEALED THROUGH ANOINTING WATER Life suddenly turned - TopicsExpress


HIV/AIDS HEALED THROUGH ANOINTING WATER Life suddenly turned black for Mr Kivon Orina Mariera from Kenya as the terrible news was announced to him by the doctor that he was HIV positive. Apart from the emotional turmoil, he suffered symptoms such as high fever and general body pains and weakness. He lost all hope, knowing that naturally HIV/AIDS has no cure but when he started watching Emmanuel TV, he saw a reason to live again. He saw people healed of cancer and HIV and told himself that his case would not be an exception. When a friend of his visited The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria, he brought him back the Anointing Water. With faith, he ministered it in Jesus’ name and believed that his case had been reversed. Instantly, he felt something coming out of him and a sensation in his blood as if it was being purified. After a few weeks when the symptoms did not reappear, he went back to the same hospital that previously confirmed he was positive and this time the result declared him negative to the deadly disease of HIV/ AIDS. Sharing his testimony live on Emmanuel TV, he encouraged all that nothing is impossible with God. The testimony gives hope to all especially as TB Joshua has just sent 4,000 bottles of Anointing Water in a chartered private jet to Sierra Leone for people affected with the Ebola disease. Aside from this, TB Joshua and Emmanuel TV partners donated 50,000 Dollars in humanitarian aid to Sierra Leone in this troubled time.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 09:10:07 +0000

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