HJs CHILLER CHALLENGE. Time to share what scared the living - TopicsExpress


HJs CHILLER CHALLENGE. Time to share what scared the living be-jesus out of you! What made you afraid to sleep, has stayed with you your whole life? Choosing from books, films or TV (please say which they are), list a top ten of terror - not necessarily the best horror, but those things that even now you shudder to think about. Please copy and paste this text above your list and state who nominated you. Heres my list to kick things off: 1. Vortex of Horror (short story) - Raphael Sabatini I read this at 11 years old - much, much too young! 2. The Jonah (novel) - James Herbert Still remember reading it late at night in a strange house. 3. Salems Lot (TV mini series) Danny Glick, yellow eyes and the Master (Barlow) down in the cellar 4. Dont Look Now (film) No introduction needed - the ultimate 5. An American Werewolf in London (film) Nightmares for months, even thought I was a teenager reared on Stephen King 6. The Haunting (1963 film) Proof of the power of good sound effects in horror cinema 7. Quatermass (1979 TV mini-series) Would love to see this again, but would hesitate......the spillings! 8. Pet Semetary - Stephen King (novel) What makes it so horrible is that you know what the characters are going to do next and are pleading with them not to. Even King has said he may have gone too far. 9. The First Ladybird Book of Nursery Rhymes (childrens book) This is one of those individual childhood things but, trust me, there are some VERY strange illustrations in here - google it, I dare you! 10. The Thing (John Carpenter film) Outrageous effects still shocking today I nominate Malcolm Richmond Actually, Kate Emans, Rebecca Elliott, Robert John Stevens, AJ Brewster, Kizzy Eeles, Mark Waddington, Jolie Du Pre, Dominic Pillai, Melissa Jacob, Sue Chivers-dibble, David J. Rank, D Jonathan Jones, Kevin Hall, Ian Woodhead, Julia Kavan, Wendy Van Halderen-Moss, Richard Schiver, Tessa Gunton, Sam Parton, Yuni Kanzflaedick, Charlayne Charlie Denney,
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 11:59:25 +0000

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