HKUST President Visits Students at Protest and Condemns all - TopicsExpress


HKUST President Visits Students at Protest and Condemns all Violence On Saturday, HKUST President Professor Tony Chan visited the students who are participating in the sit-in at Admiralty. This visit to talk to students on the scene came on the heels of a meeting on Friday with HKUST student leaders to further understand the situation of the students. Professor Chan told them that recent events have led to a division of the society, and he is especially saddened by the fact that many people—including two HKUST students--got injured in the violent confrontation in Mongkok. Professor Chan said that he is gravely concerned about the safety of the students. He emphasised that violence is never the answer to any problem, and he is firmly against any acts of violence. Professor Chan is deeply moved by the students peaceful persistence in pursuing their goal of creating a better Hong Kong. He stressed that the most precious characteristic of Hong Kong is our freedom of speech, and every one should treasure that. A university prepares its students to be able to analyse issues in a rational and multi-faceted manner, and that is how they can become leaders of society. He said that the current difficulties of Hong Kong pose a severe test for them to seek to resolve problems through peaceful means. Professor Chan said that only through calm and constructive dialogue can Hong Kong come out of this difficult crisis. This dialogue will allow all parties to look at the solution from different angles, and truly focus on the long term benefit of Hong Kong. This is how the society can get back to normal operations. As the crisis has evolved, he hopes that the students can rationally analyse each situation, maintain restraint, have patience, and above all, be alert for their safety, so that they will not create anxiety for their family and loved ones. 香港科技大學校長陳繁昌探望集會學生 讉責暴力事件 香港科技大學校長陳繁昌教授昨日到金鐘探望集會的學生。陳校長周五與科大學生領袖會面,更加了解同學的情況,昨日特意到場慰問同學。他表示,事件至今演變成社會分化,日前旺角暴力流血衝突多人受傷,據知有兩位科大同學受傷,他感到非常痛心,更加擔心同學們的安危。他表示無論如何反對使用暴力,暴力絕對不能解決任何問題。 陳繁昌校長對同學連日堅持以和平方式表達自己的理想,為香港爭取更美好的將來,覺得十分感動。香港最寶貴的就是言論自由,大家應該好好珍惜。大學教育培養年青人理性分析及以多角度思考,以培育社會領袖,面對香港現時的困局,正好考驗他們如何以和平方式尋求解決方法。 陳校長又表示,只有平心靜氣展開有建設性的對話,開誠務實從多角度商討對策,真心為香港長遠利益著想,才能令香港走出困局,讓社會恢復正常運作。事件發展至今,他希望同學能夠冷靜理性去判斷每個情況,保持克制、忍耐,最緊要以安全為首,不要令家人及關心他們的人擔心。
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:24:40 +0000

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