HOBBY LOBBY __FIGHT BACK! Email from National Organization for - TopicsExpress


HOBBY LOBBY __FIGHT BACK! Email from National Organization for Women: Can we count on you to vote in November and vote with your wallet today by supporting California NOW? I know you’re angry and I also know your email box has been deluged with donation requests since the Hobby Lobby and Harris decisions on Monday. I’m sure it seems overwhelming, we’re being attacked on every front, but youve shown that when California women vote California women win! It’s Time to Vote At the Ballot Box! As the war on women continues in an attempt to stop us from fully taking our rightful place as equals in every aspect of society, California NOW would like to thank you for doing what was necessary to ensure our victory – you voted with your wallet, so California NOW had the funds to reach women voters and you voted at the ballot box. Because you voted for California NOW endorsed candidates on June 3rd, Betty Yee, Sandra Fluke and Sheila Kuehl won their primary races! Betty Yee, through our collective efforts, defeated former Assembly Speaker Perez. Organized progressive feminist defeated big money interests that poured into the Speaker’s campaign. With your donations and votes we defeated Republicrats all over the State, a race just as exciting to win as Betty’s was our collective victory in Standing With Sandra Fluke.But that was just round one. California NOW endorsed candidates like Sandra Fluke, Betty Yee, and Sheila Kuehl need your time and energy now. And we need your dollars NOW and your vote in November. NOW’s the Time to Vote Again With Your Wallet! Donating to California NOW today means California NOW can reach every woman in this state before November. The Hobby Lobby and Harris decisions by 5 men in black dresses attacked the two most important pillars of women’s equality – access to birth control and economic independence. In Hobby Lobby Alito said, “a corporation is simply a form of an organization used by human beings to achieve desired ends .. when rights whether constitutional or statutory, are extended to corporations, the purpose is to protect the rights of these people.” For these 5 men in black dresses the rights of bosses aren’t balanced with the rights of workers, our rights- our health doesn’t matter. On the same day as Hobby Lobby in which 5 men in Black dresses decided that women workers have no right to birth control, these 5 men in dresses decided in Harris to attacked women and the work that we do by refusing to treat in-home care workers as “fully-fledged” or real workers! I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard enough from the Supremes! It’s time to act and put an end to employer based health insurance and put women’s health and healthcare in the hands of women and men and out of the hands of bosses, insurance companies, or governments. It’s time for women’s health and women’s human rights to be front and center. By voting with your wallet California NOW can do more than just stop the next vile attempt to remove us from our rightful place as equals, we can move California to end employer based health insurance and adopt Health Care For All, so all women and girls have access to the full reproductive and other healthcare they need. Together we can move California to adopt Health Care For All and put an end to government and corporate interference with women’s health and healthcare access. Can we count on you to vote in November and vote with your wallet today by supporting California NOW?
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 00:10:01 +0000

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