HOLDER to RESIGN?? GEE WONDER WHY??~CG viaTeri Key Hmmm !!! Trey - TopicsExpress


HOLDER to RESIGN?? GEE WONDER WHY??~CG viaTeri Key Hmmm !!! Trey Gowdy Grills Eric Holder On Abusing the Attorney General’s ‘Discretion’ on Law Enforcement !!! or Attorney General Eric Holder must take seriously congressional allegations against former IRS official Lois Lerner if he is to be trusted as the nations top law enforcement official, Rep. Trey Gowdy says. What happened today was really big . . . You remember when the president said theres not a smidgen of criminality? Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, told The Steve Malzberg Show on Newsmax TV. So, now you have the Ways and Means, which is one of the more widely respected committees in Congress, sending three separate, potential criminal acts to the Department of Justice and a referral. This is a perfect opportunity for [Holder] to prove his law enforcement credentials and not his political credentials . . . If you want to be taken seriously as a top law enforcement official in the country, you better handle this investigation in a way that generates public confidence, Gowdy said Wednesday. OR !!! Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack of Prosecutions for NICS Denials !!! OR !! Ted Cruz Just Demanded the Impeachment of Eric Holder Eric Holder has to be one of the worst attorneys general we’ve ever had. He’s lied to Congress, been uncooperative in congressional investigations, and turned the Department of Justice into the Department of Social Justice. Holder oversaw “Fast and Furious,” a scheme designed to put American guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels so that the guns could be found at crime scenes and Democrats would have reason to push for more gun control. He is also pushing his liberal agenda in public schools, as he’s pushing for race-based punishments where black students get punished less than white students to prevent “discrimination.” Holder has played politics with justice his entire time and office. He’s been nothing but a partisan shill for Obama, appointing Obama cronies to “investigate” the IRS scandal and other presidential abuses of power. The calls for Holder’s impeachment have grown strong from those in Congress. One congressman even told him to his face that he should be in jail during a hearing. Now, Ted Cruz is joining the fray by calling for Holder’s immediate impeachment. KEEP ON !!! pushing for the truths !!! and lets get these liars OUT !!!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 17:07:06 +0000

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