HOLIDAY PARTIES The holidays are creeping up, and soon the party - TopicsExpress


HOLIDAY PARTIES The holidays are creeping up, and soon the party invitations will be flooding your inbox. We need a game plan~how to approach the party season without overindulging and undoing all of that hard work. It’s critical when attending such parties/social events to have a game plan, a strategy, so that you can have a fun time, but make the best possible choices so that you don’t get set back too far in your health goals, and still feel good the next day. Here are some tips to keep in mind: DRINK SMART: Be sure to arrive to your holiday party fully hydrated. t will help you feel full. Start with water at the event, then if you want to have a cocktail, keep it really simple with something like a vodka, soda and lime. SNACK ON RAW VEGGIES Salsa and hummus make great dips, but avoid any dips that are creamy or oily. AVOID SODA And not just during the Holidays! Soda is one of the worst culprits of bloating. Not only does it create an acidic metabolic state in your body, but it’s also loaded with chemicals and contains HFCS (regular soda) or artificial sweeteners (diet soda). Research has linked both to weight gain and potential health problems. Sodas have air bubbles that travel to the stomach and release carbon dioxide within the digestive tract, creating an uncomfortable bloating sensation. On top of all that, excessive caffeine can cause belly bloat. YUCK! AVOID PARTY NUTS While a moderate amount of raw nuts are full of minerals and amino acids and offer good nutrition, it’s not usually raw nuts that are set out at the holiday party. It’s the “party” nuts which are often roasted in oils, loaded with fat, calories and salt. While chatting or mingling at a party, you may not even realize how many you eat. So it’s better to just avoid them altogether! HAVE SOME CRANBERRY If you have overindulged and are feeling bloated after a party, cranberry juice can also act as a de-bloating agent. It’s a natural diuretic, working to help promote kidney function to pump excessive salts and fluids out of your body. Since you may inadvertently consume more sodium than usual during the holiday season, keep concentrated cranberry on hand (not sugar-filled Cranberry Cocktail) and dilute into a glass of fresh water to drink in the evening, after your party or whenever you are feeling bloated.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:05:20 +0000

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