HOLY BIBLE: EXISTENCE MASS CONTRADICTIONS AND ERRORS God Almighty unauthorized the Bible. Nowhere in Gospel God Almighty mentioned the Bible, which is the name of Divine Book, was sending down to Jesus, not one of the 5 Divine Books revealed to Gods Prophet and read not one original Manuscript available. The Translations (on other Languages), the words of men (the Gospels According to St Paul, Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, etc.) and the Versions (Aramaic, the original Mother tongue Language of Jesus) is one and the same thing, they do not know what is Translations, words of men and Versions. Actually, what they called Versions is Translations & words of men because there is no such thing as original Manuscript remained. How could you attributes these mass errors to the Book of God? 1) Christ is equal with God. - John 10:30 / Phil. 2:5 Vs Christ is not equal with God. - John 14:28 / Matt. 24:36, 2) Jesus was all-powerful. - Matt. 28:18 / John 3:35 Vs Jesus was not all-powerful. - Mark 6:5, 3) The law was superseded by the Christian dispensation. - Luke 16:16 / Eph. 2:15 / Rom. 7:6 Vs The law was not supersede by the Christian dispensation. - Matt. 5:17-19, 4) Christs mission was peace. - Luke 2:13-14 Vs Christs mission was not peace. - Matt. 10:34. 5) Christ received not testimony from man. - John 5:33-34 Vs Christ did received testimony from man. - John 15:27, 6) Christs witness of himself is true. - John 8:18 Vs Christs witness of himself is not true. - John 5:31, 7) Christ laid down his life for his friends. - John 15:13 / 10:11 Vs Christ laid down his life for his enemies. - Rom. 5:10, It was lawful for the Jews to put Christ to death. - John 19:7 Vs It was not lawful for Jews to put Christ to death. - John 18:31. 9) Children are punish for the sins of the parents. - Ex. 20:5 Vs Children are not punish for the sins of the parents. - Ezekiel 18:20, 10) Man I justified by faith alone. - Rom. 3:20 / 4:2 / Gal. 2:16 / 3:11-12 Vs Man is not justified by faith alone. - James 2:21/24 / Rom. 2:13, 11) It is impossible to fail from grace. - John 10:28 / Rom. 8:38-39 Vs It is possible to fail from grace. - Ezekiel 18:24 / Heb. 6:4, 12) No man is without sin. - I Kings 8:46 / Prov. 20:9 / Eccl. 7:20 / Rom. 3:10 Vs Christians are sinless. - I John 3:9. 13), There is to be a resurrection of the dead. - I Cor. 15:16/52 / Rev. 20:12-13 / Luke 20:37 Vs There is to be no resurrection of the dead. - Job 7:9 / Eccl. 9:5 / Is. 26:14, 14) Reward and punishment to be bestowed this world. - Prov. 11:31 Vs Reward and punishment to be bestowed in the next world. - Rev. 20:12 / Matt. 16:27 / 2 Cor. 5:10, 15) Annihilation the portion of all mankind. - Eccl. 9:5,10 / 3:19-20 Vs Endless misery the portion of all mankind. - Matt. 25:46 / Prov. 14:11, 16) The Earth is to be destroyed. - Heb. 1:11 / Rev. 20:11 Vs The Earth is never to be destroyed. - Ps. 104:5 / Eccl. 1:4. 17) No evil shall happen to the Godly. - Prov. 12:21 / I Pet. 3:13 Vs Evil does happen to the Godly. - Heb. 12:6 / Job 2:3,7, 18) Worldly good and prosperity are the lot of the Godly. - Prov. 12:21 / Ps. 37:28,32,33,37 / 1:13 / Gen. 39:2 / Job 42:12 Vs Worldly misery and destitution the lot of the Godly. - Heb. 11:37,38 ? Rev. 7:14 / 2 Tim. 3:12 / Luke 21:17, 19) Worldly prosperity a reward of righteousness and a business. - Mark 10:29,30 / Ps. 37:25 Vs Worldly prosperity a curse and a bar to future reward. - Luke 6:20/6:24 / Matt. 6:19,21/19:24, 20) The Christian joke is easy. - Matt. 11:28,29,30 Vs The Christian joke is not easy. - John 16:33 / 2 Tim. 3:12 / Heb. 12:6,8 and others various type of contradictions. 21) The fruit of Gods spirit is love and gentleness. - Gal. 5:22 Vs The fruit of Gods spirit is vengeance and fury. - Judge 15:14 / I Sam. 18:10-11, 22) Longevity enjoyed by the wicked. - Job 21:7-8 / Ps. 17:14 Vs Longevity denied to the wicked. - Eccl. 8:13 / Ps. 55:23, 23) Poverty is blessing. - Luke 6:20,24 / Jam. 2:5 Vs Riches a blessing. - Prov. 10:15 / Job 22:23-24 / Job 42:12 & again Vs Neither poverty nor riches a blessing. - Prov. 30:8-9, 24) Wisdom a source of enjoyment. - Prov. 3:13,17 Vs Wisdom a source of vexation, grief and sorrow. - Ecc. 1:17-18, 25) A good name is a blessing. - Eccl. 7:1 / Prov. 22:1 Vs A good name is a curse. - Luke 6:26. 26) Laughter commended. - Eccl. 3:1,4 / Ecc. 8:15 Vs Laughter condemned. - Luke 6:25 / Eccl. 7:3-4, 27) The road of correction a remedy for foolishness. - Prov. 22:15 Vs There is no remedy for foolishness. - Prov. 27:22, 28) A fool should be answered according to his folly. - Prov. 26:5 Vs A fool should not be answered according to his folly. - Pov. 26:4, 29) Temptation to be desired. - James 1:2 Vs Temptation not to be desired. - Matt. 6:13. 30) Prophecy is sure. - 2 Pet. 1:19 Vs Prophecy is not sure. - Jer. 18:7-10, 31) Mans life was to be one hundred and twenty years. - Gen. 6:3 Vs Mans life is but seventy years. - Ps. 90:10, 32) Miracles a proof of divine mission. - Matt. 11:2-5 / John 3:2 Vs Miracles not a proof of divine mission. - Ex. 7:10-12 / Deut. 13:1-3, 33) Moses was a very weak man. - Num. 12:3 Vs Moses was a very cruel man. - Num. 31:15,17. 34) Elijah went up to heaven. - 2 Kings 2:11 Vs None but Christ ever ascended into heaven. - John 3:13, 35) All scripture is inspired. - 2 Tim. 3:16 Vs Some scripture is not inspired. - 1 Cor. 7:6, 36) I and my Father are one. - John 10:30 Vs I go unto the father: For my father is greater than I. - John 14:28, 37) God is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man, that he should repent. - Num. 23:19 Vs And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. Ex. 32:14. 38) I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. - Gen. 32:30 Vs No man hath seen God at any time. - John 1:18, 39) The Lord is good to all. - Ps. 145:6 Vs I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things. - Is. 45:7, 40) Therefore Michael, the daughter of Saul, had no child unto the day of her death. - 2 Sam. 6:23 Vs The five sons of Michael, the daughter of Saul. - 2 Sam. 21:8, 41) God is not the author of confusion. - 1 Cor. 24:33 Vs Out of the mouth of the most high precedenth not evil and good. - Lam. 3:38, and other various type of contradictions.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 15:45:01 +0000

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