HOLY SHIT Kathy Duva absolutely OWNS Jean Pascal LMFAOOO.. On - TopicsExpress


HOLY SHIT Kathy Duva absolutely OWNS Jean Pascal LMFAOOO.. On Wednesday, Pascal contacted BoxingScene to further push the issue. If its not going to cost them anything and more importantly, if they dont have anything to hide, they take the test. No matter how righteous Kathy Duva tries to sound, she knows theres a chance he wont pass. If that werent the case why would she prevent me from paying to show the world that her champion is clean?, Pascal told BoxingScene. What is so scary to them about random testing? They agree to two advanced tests that arent random, but if they have their doubts about the legitimacy of the process, why even agree to that? The answer is They only care about the money. They only agreed to the test 15 days before the fight because they were confident the results wouldnt come out until after the fight. They dont care if Kovalev loses his belts because of a dirty test, or the safety of the boxers, they only care about results coming in afterwards so they can make their money on this fight. Kovalev is not standing still to Pascals attacks and wants to silence the Canadian boxer. On Wednesday, Kovalev informed Duva to contact VADA and finalize a random drug testing protocol for the Pascal defense. Sergey Kovalev has informed me that he wishes to arrange for random, WADA Code compliant VADA testing in advance of his WBO, WBA and IBF light heavyweight title defense against Jean Pascal on March 14th. We are beginning to make the necessary arrangements with VADA today, Duva stated to BoxingScene Until mandatory drug testing is done year-round and regulated by a competent and neutral regulatory body that also provides education to boxers and their teams, I believe this kind of ad hoc enhanced testing is nothing more than a PR stunt. In my view, no meaningful progress toward cleaning up the sport will be made this way. Our efforts should be focused on reform and regulation. However, since Pascal has accused Sergey of using PEDs, Sergey is eager to take Pascal up on his offer to pay for the tests. While I have consistently stated that I am opposed to such unregulated testing as a matter of policy, I understand why Sergey wants to take the tests and silence the critics. Because some have suggested that I oppose this kind of testing out of fear that Sergey will test positive, I wish to set the record straight right now. I am not the least bit concerned that Sergey is cheating. I am, however, worried that Pascal could test positive and we will have to cancel the fight. Both Pascal and Sergey stated that they would be willing to go through with the fight in the event of a failed test. However, his is not legally possible. Pascal suggested that a monetary penalty would be appropriate in the event of a failed test. So, apparently, Pascal’s concern for his own health and safety has a price. In a surprising number of documented cases, it was the fighter who demanded the enhanced testing who failed. On the other hand, I do not believe that this kind of testing prevents or catches all kinds of cheating-- especially where a fighter has a known PED provider on his team. Of course I am concerned for the health of all fighters. But it seems that much of the recent talk about ad hoc, unregulated testing is being promoted by the very nutrition scientists who simply want to prove to their clients that they can beat any test--thereby ensuring an uneven playing field. Having said that, I believe that no matter what Jean Pascal does, he cannot beat Sergey Kovalev. This action by Sergey will allow everyone to focus on the fight rather than publicity stunts. boxingscene/kovalev-requests-vada-testing-counters-pascals-attack--86584
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:34:40 +0000

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