HOLY THURSDAY WHY WE HAVE TO WATCH AND PRAY, AND CELEBRATE THE PASSOVER EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. THE STAND OF BROTHERHOOD: It was on a Wednesday night that Our Lord Jesus Christ drank of the cup of mans iniquities. This explains why we in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star observe WATCH and PRAY every Wednesday night to commemorate that awful night. He was delivered to the hands of His adversaries after drinking of that cup. That was the night of torture and torment and finally He was crucified at dawn on Thursday. He asked His disciples to keep watch and pray. We say this authoritatively because WE were there. We witnessed and felt the pain and agony that Wednesday night. That explains why we have continued to Watch and Pray, every Wednesday night. The world now erroneously believes that, the Lord was crucified on Friday. This is unfortunate. SUNDAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK: There is also a great confusion in the world about the counting of the days in the week. The people of the world believe that the week begins with Monday. This is erroneous and mundane teaching. That does not represent Gods arrangement which the Jews themselves adopted. SUNDAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, THE DAY NATURE BEGAN THE WORK OF CREATION. THE HOURS OF THE DAY: JOHN 11: 9-10 (are there not TWELVE HOURS IN THE DAY?) BIBLE WITNESS: JOHN 11:9-10 9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If a man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. 10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because the light is not in him. HOLY THURSDAY THE GREAT EXPOSITION: It therefore becomes absolutely reasonable that Wednesdays and Thursdays should be regarded AS HOLY DAYS and they must be set aside for observance of these historic events. Those in secret cults and fraternities do know the efficacy of the esoteric events but they have for years hidden them from other inhabitants of the world. They personally observe these holy days but they would not expose the essence to other people outside their secret groups. THE TIMING OF CHRIST’S DEATH: Golden Text: Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whales belly; so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. THE TIMING OF CHRISTS DEATH: You have already been told that the Jews counted 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. as one day and from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. as one night. It then proves that 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday was one day, 6 p.m. on Thursday to 6 a.m. on Friday was one night. From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday made the second day, and from 6 p.m. on Friday to 6 a.m. on Saturday made the second night. The third night was 6 p.m. on Saturday to 6 a.m. on Sunday. By that calculation, our submission has been proved. We are waiting for the Popes, Archbishops, Bishops, and Pastors of the orthodox churches to come and prove us wrong. We do firmly believe that no sane person could come to contest this divine truth except Satan and his agents. Brethren, that is why we have to thank and glorify Him for this wonderful and recondite wisdom exposed to us. On our part, as we believe and practicalize this wonderful revelation, all our problems, difficulties, sickness and deaths are taken away. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the mediator of the new covenant, the only true and sincere friend. If therefore we suffer with Him, we shall also be glorified with Him. THE FEAST OF PASSOVER: What I want all of you to take cognizance of is the day He was hanged on the cross for the sake of our sins. This is why we have to WATCH AND PRAY, and celebrate the Passover EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Many people think that it is out of hunger that we eat bread, banana and groundnut on that night. They are completely unaware that it is in commemoration of that great day of the last supper. An Efik adage has it that when the cause loses its reason, it quarrels. If you forget where you had salvation, you are bound to stumble and fall. The Passover celebrated by the Jews had a beginning and a reason. During the time of Abraham, there was no celebration of the Passover. In the time of Isaac, there was no Passover celebration. In the time of Jacob, there was no Passover celebration. Even when the Israelites were in Egypt, there was no Passover. When did the Passover celebration begin? It started after four hundred years when the Israelites had been under slavery in Egypt. This Passover started after Moses had displayed all his miracles before Pharaoh, but Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go out of Egypt. When all avenues to get Pharaoh to release the children of Israel from Egypt had failed, God instructed Moses to direct all Israelites in Egypt to slaughter a ram each and smear the ram’s blood on their door posts. This Passover was celebrated to make the death that was to plague the people of Egypt to be of no effect on the Israelites. The following morning corpses were found everywhere in Egypt. All the first borns in Egyptian homes died, including the Pharaoh’s son. Directly after this incident, Pharaoh allowed all the children of Israel to leave Egypt under the leadership of Moses. From that day, anniversaries of this Passover became a yearly event. Brethren, note that what is worth honoring and worshiping must strictly be observed. If the children of Israel who never believed in God strictly observed the anniversary of the Passover in remembrance of the day they were released from bondage in Egypt, how much more those who were redeemed from the bondage of Satan? This is why every year, we must commemorate the day we were emancipated from sin and also show appreciation for the love Our Lord Jesus Christ has for humanity. It is at this time also that we have to expatiate to you all the events of that particular period. We are not here to serve the government, man or angel, but we are here to show appreciation for the love our Lord Jesus Christ had for humanity. This is an event which should not have a beginning nor an end. It should be an infinite celebration by humanity to show appreciation to God for the love Our Lord Jesus Christ had for the sons of men. The lesson says that it was two day to the feast of Passover and I ask, count from this day and see whether it is not really two days that is remaining in compliance with what is read out. The real day of the feast of Passover according to the Jewish tradition is Friday and it was this day that Our Lord Jesus Christ referred to when He said two days to the day of Passover. Now if Our Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the Passover on Wednesday night, and thereafter he was arrested, judged, and condemned to death on Thursday, do you not see that the world’s claim that Our Lord Jesus Christ died on Friday is wrong? As you have been told in the scriptures, Saturday is the Sabbath, it means that Friday is the day of Passover. The Jews never wanted to crucify Our Lord Jesus Christ on Friday which is the day of the Passover, nor on the Sabbath day which is Saturday because there would be a tumult and because of this anticipated tumult, they hastened the crucifixion for Thursday. IS THERE ANY GOOD FRIDAY? Behold Our Lord Jesus Christ as the sacrificial lamb for the Passover, and avoiding the anticipated tumult that would occur on Friday, the actual day of the Passover, they preferred the crucifixion to be on Thursday. This is in conformity with the statement of Our Lord Jesus Christ when He said that the nations seek a sign and no other sign will I give them other than the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. So brethren, join me in counting the three days and three nights. Thursday daylight is one day, Friday day light is the second day, and Saturday, daylight is the third day. Starting with the night, we have Thursday night as the first night, Friday night, as the second night, and Saturday night as the third night. This is to re-emphasize that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth, and all He spoke are the truth. This is also why the utterances of Our Lord Jesus Christ are regarded as words of prophecy; and what is meant by prophetic words are veritable truths. There is no word uttered by Our Lord Jesus Christ that will not be fulfilled. The world has turned this truth upside down by saying that our Lord Jesus Christ died on Friday instead of Thursday. Because this truth is hidden from them and exposed to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, they always marvel at the mode Brotherhood does her things. That was why Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you.” He said the Comforter, the Holy Ghost will reveal His glory and the entire world will know that the glory belongs to Him. This glory does not belong to man or angel, but it belongs to the Son of Man, the Son of God and God Himself. If this knowledge had dawned on humanity, they would have honored and kept this remarkable day. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. EXCERPT FROM : THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE THREE DAYS DRY FASTING FALSE DOCTRINES: I WILL NOT ALLOW ANY FALSE DOCTRINE TO BE SPREAD AGAIN IN THE WORLD *I WILL NOT ALLOW ANY FALSE DOCTRINE TO BE SPREAD AGAIN IN THE WORLD, AND IT IS AGAINST THIS BACKGROUND THAT I AM ADVOCATING THAT NOTHING SHOULD BE ADDED OR SUBTRACTED AT ALL IN THIS CASE. *THAT IS WHY THIS GOSPEL MUST BE DOCUMENTED FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND THE SALVATION OF MANKIND. THEIR DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO FALSIFY A GENUINE TRUTH AND TO THROW DUST INTO THE EYES OF THE ENTIRE WORLD MUST BE EXPOSED. WE WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH UNTIL SATAN AND HIS AGENTS VACATE THEIR THRONE. * DID OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST NOT SAY, EVERY PLANT WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED SHALL BE ROOTED UP? (MATTHEW 15:13). THAT IS WHY ALL FALSE AND MISLEADING OBSERVANCES ABOUT HIS DEATH AND OTHER ISSUES MUST BE CRUSHED. Second Bible Lesson: John 2:19 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. THE TRUTH HAS COME: Brethren, have you heard that text? The Bible says In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word of truth be established. (2 Corinthians 13:1). The second lesson confirms the three days and three nights death bid and its unique essence. He said, Destroy this temple, and I will build it after three days. It also serves as a releasing factor, setting free those who were in spiritual as well as mental bondage. Those who were condemned have been freed, and those who were sick in the hospitals are now permanently healed. It is said, He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory, but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. (John 7:18). Those servants who speak and seek for their glory, there is not even an iota of truth in them. They are fraught with falsehood. I want the conventional churches to prove their case with regards to the timing and calculation of the number of days Our Lord Jesus the Christ was in the heart of the earth. WE IN BROTHERHOOD HAVE PROVED OUR CASE MATHEMATICALLY, WITH BIBLICAL SUPPORT. The orthodox churches claim that theirs was on Friday. God had allowed them to falsify the event for so long until they prove themselves wrong. The Spirit of Truth has come to unfold all things for the salvation of mankind. SOME PEOPLE ARE SAYING THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER. TO ASSUME SUCH A POSITION IS WRONG. THIS IS A UNIQUE AND IMPORTANT MATTER WHICH BOARDERS ON THE FOUNDATION OF HUMANITY, SO IT IS WRONG TO TREAT THE MATTER SO LIGHTLY. Their calculation from Friday will land them on two days and two nights during which time Our Lord Jesus Christ would still have been in the heart of the earth. This is wrong and we cannot compromise or condone this satanic and misleading assumption. THAT IS WHY THIS GOSPEL MUST BE DOCUMENTED FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND THE SALVATION OF MANKIND. THEIR DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO FALSIFY A GENUINE TRUTH AND TO THROW DUST INTO THE EYES OF THE ENTIRE WORLD MUST BE EXPOSED. WE WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH UNTIL SATAN AND HIS AGENTS VACATE THEIR THRONE. A member, through false vision, told a brother to reject his real wife (sister) with children and to take a new wife, claiming that the Father ordered him to give such a vision. But the poser is: why should the Father do a thing like that? WHICH FATHER IN THE FIRST PLACE? SUCH A THING IS OUTRAGEOUS AND QUESTIONABLE. It is equally blackmail and blasphemy. I AM OPPOSED TO ANY FALSEHOOD IN THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE JESUS CHRISTS DEATH SAGA. The calculation is misleading. The case of His birth, which has been fixed for convenience, could be tolerable, but for His death, upon which the salvation of the generality of mankind depends, nobody should toy or falsify it on any account. I WILL NOT ALLOW ANY FALSE DOCTRINE TO BE SPREAD AGAIN IN THE WORLD, AND IT IS AGAINST THIS BACKGROUND THAT I AM ADVOCATING THAT NOTHING SHOULD BE ADDED OR SUBTRACTED AT ALL IN THIS CASE. It is said that if a tree does not fall, the axe shall not rest. Right now a greater number of the conventional churches have begun to adopt the Brotherhood mode of worship. This is indeed welcome news. Man or Satan is prone to sin, falsehood, and blunders. But God is truthful and all his actions are true and just. This should help us to realize that sooner or later His words must be fulfilled. DID OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST NOT SAY, EVERY PLANT WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED SHALL BE ROOTED UP? (MATTHEW 15:13). THAT IS WHY ALL FALSE AND MISLEADING OBSERVANCES ABOUT HIS DEATH AND OTHER ISSUES MUST BE CRUSHED. His death and resurrection form the foundation which must be celebrated with pomp and joy. His death has been the last covenanted arrangement, and that was why He said, It is finished, (John 19:30) as He allowed His precious blood to be spilled for atonement of the sins of men. This supreme sacrifice has superseded other sacrifices of goats, sheep or rams, and has wiped away all sinfulness. To this end, nobody has the right to impute sin on other people. The sins of Adam had condemned the entire human race to death, but his unique and supreme sacrifice has come to redeem humanity from the bondage and the clutches of Satan. THEREFORE IF ANY PASTOR SAYS HE SUFFERS FOR ANYONES SAKE, HE IS A BLATANT LIAR. IT IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO HAD REALLY SUFFERED FOR ALL MANKIND. IT IS SAID THAT THE TESTIMONIES FROM TWO OR THREE PEOPLE CONFIRM THE TRUTH. Brethren let our golden text be read. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : MATHEMATICS OF GOOD FRIDAY
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:22:04 +0000

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