HOLY WEEK BLOG of JUDAS (DISCLAIMER: I wrote the following in - TopicsExpress


HOLY WEEK BLOG of JUDAS (DISCLAIMER: I wrote the following in my old blogsite called Life is a Comedy eight years ago. So pls remember the sites name before you raise some eyebrows.) One More Chance!” as in Teddy Randazzo’s top hit in the 1960’s (not Michael Jackson’s). Again, for the 1000000th time, that’s my Holy Weeks wish. If only God will give me one more chance – to redeem myself. You see, before the foundation of the world, to borrow Ephesians 1:4, Ive been destined to be a loser. I guess you might say, I helped inspire the Beatles’ popular song, “I’m A Loser.” Jesus my Master, the Life-Giver was born to die; I was born to arrange for His death. And for the last 2000 years, I’ve become the Christian world’s spitting drum of indescribable hate, revulsion, vile, venom, vitriol - name it. Mention Judas and the whole Christendom pukes. My name is now synonymous for traitor, thief, untrustworthy, greedy. But look, did I have a choice? Honestly, I had wanted a super-hero’s role, not the pre-assigned, prophesied villain who betrayed His Lord. You have no idea of the curse my descendants had gone through all these centuries! If I have to believe Rick Warren, the pope of purpose-driven living, then my birth was “not an accident., not a mistake or mishap.” As with all His creation, God brought me into this world for a reason, with a distinct purpose. Horrendous as it was, I was born to fulfill what the prophets had predicted centuries before I saw light – which I did - to lead the executioners to my Master. A gruesome role, but it was God’s sovereign, ordained purpose for me. Some preachers argue that I could have refused the role. But hey, read the Bible again! I didn’t even have an iota of chance to fight off satan – Gospel writers John and Luke simply said, the evil one just entered into me (John 13:26-27, Luke 22:3), because, well, Scriptures had to be fulfilled! (John 13:18) Even my grisly death had been prophesied. Peter, my fellow apostle, reminded the brethren about it when they voted for my replacement (Acts 1: 15-20). Actually, Peter and John, my revered fellow chosen apostles never had a tiny bit of love for me. Just read how John, one of Jesus favorites, hacked my name into pieces, accusing me as a thief who took money from our donation bag. (John 12:4-6) Looking back now, how can the Lord, who is God Himself, the all-knowing One, could have appointed me treasurer of His ministry if he knew I was a thief? Call it “predestination,” “foreordaination,” “election,” – heavy Bible words that theologians have violently debated on for centuries. Whatever, I assure you, I’m not at all sore or bitter. Can I argue with a just and perfect Creator who declared: “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy…For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: I raised you up for this purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth… therefore God… hardens whom He wants to harden.” (Romans 9:14-18) NOTE: If youre not familiar with Pharaohs story please read Exodus or you can buy a video of Charlton Hestons Ten Commandments. Was Shakespeare, that great poet and playwright thinking of me (or about Cain, Esau or Pharaoh) when he wrote: “ All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have exits and entrances … “ (As You Like It, Act 2). I guess I played my part quite well. Of course I ended up in hell for doing so, but hey, at least my friend Matthew wrote that I was filled with tons of remorse and even tried to return the 30 pieces of silver, then threw it at the Temple. I had hope against hope that at least heaven would credit that sincere act to my merit card. But then again, Scripture had to be fulfilled (John 17:12) Sorry for this catharsis. But now you understand why Im desperately wishing what I’d been wanting for ages - “One More Chance.” I don’t know how God will do it but I can dream, right? Or maybe I should change the song to ABBAs Take A Chance On Me the way it was sang in Mamma Mia, the movie. This is JUDAS ISCARIOT from wherever and I approve of this blog.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 02:44:43 +0000

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