HOME MY BLOG OUR SITE’S BLOG CONTACT US GO TO MAIN SITE UNCATEGORIZED I LEARN TO UNLEARN AND I UNLEARN TO LEARN… Some days ago I put together a piece which I termed the ‘Review of the Freedom Concert.’ I must admit that the reactions were expected but the extent of the reactions were underestimated. It came with mixed reactions. Some were of the view that the Review was in bad taste and I am pretty sure if given the permission some would have crucified me. Anyway, I guess Easter is just about happening. But all said and done what had to be said had to be said, maybe in a more subtle way. Reading through the “review of the Review of the Freedom Concert” and its concomitant responses and commentary it gave me some thoughts. Let me quickly admit that everytime I write and conduct the reviews its based on my personal judgments. I have never sought to be the standard. Certainly not! I cannot be the standard. Like the Great Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14; “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (ESV) There have been the arguments that I appear too mean. Someone said “This Quesie Boate has to be called to order.” I waited with baited breath what the administrators of the page would do, in the sense that I had been compared to one of our colleagues who once was taken out of the forum for some reasons. Let me also make the point that I have no personal issues or grudges with any of the Artistes as is being circulated. I will be very glad if people stop pitching me with camps. I tried to challenge ourselves as a Contemporary Gospel Music Industry to get things done right and not to demoralize any artiste. Why do I do what I do? And why do I say it as it is? Am I that filled with hatred to write such hard-hitters about my own colleagues and probably seniors in Ministry? I believe the judgment lies with the people. Well I have a few things to say. About two or three years ago, I listened to a television interview granted by one of Ghana’s rap kings Reggie Rockstone on KSM’s Thank God It’s Friday show and he said something that struck me. He said, to paraphrase: “What have these gospel artistes got to do with hotels and people’s mansions?” He further quizzed rhetorically “Why are they so ordinary in the presentations of their music videos? Does it always have to be in a hotel?” He again said “we the secular artistes spend so much on our events and try to get it right so why can’t they the Christians who serve the Greatest Being do more than we do?” Then he concluded, “I believe that God is the Greatest and for that matter he deserves the best. These Christians must give Him the best.” I must confess that to-date, Rockstone’s words play in my mind anytime I have the opportunity to do something for God. “…God is the greatest and for that matter he deserves the best.” Deep statement! These words of Reggie who is a secular artiste sounds so fresh in my mind anytime I sit in any meeting as a guest, as an audience member, as a minister, and as a Christian, and this is the reason I do what I do, because I believe God deserves the BEST. It may come across as harsh and mean, but let’s all pause for a minute and reflect! What will Quesie gain if he bashes fellow Christian Ministers? Will he be excited when they fail? If that is my thinking, then I have FAILED as a servant of God. Then I have failed God’s people! The stories of many Prophets abound in the Holy Scriptures. Jeremiah, Nathan, and Hezekiah you name them. Often times they had to say the ‘unsayable,’ some in public, some behind closed doors. It never ceased to be the case that their modus diluted the message. In fact John the Baptist who prepared the way for the Messiah was not spared. He had his head chopped off for calling Herod to order. The list goes on and on and on. A careful reflection on the many responses to the Review came with some valuable lessons. There is a time to say ‘A’ and there is a time to say ‘B.’ The modus for saying ‘A’ may not apply for ‘B.’ This is the more reason one has to apply a lot of discretion in coming out with a critique and certainly that is why I LEARN TO UNLEARN and UNLEARN TO LEARN. The past few days have taught me to learn all over again. The days have taught me to learn how to say what I want to say in a way the target will not feel offended. The days have also taught me to say it as it is for truth cannot be hidden. The days have taught me to say it in love, so I LEARN and I CONTINUE to LEARN. One lesson I learnt from BIG FRED at the FREEDOM CONCERT was the fact that even at age 53, you can still begin to learn from scratch and this is the more reason the responses on the initial review have given me cause to learn all over again. Concluding, I will do all of us a great disservice if I don’t correct this impression; otherwise from henceforth we will go into events to MARK, to LOOK and not to JOIN. I know for sure that many have their pens-in-hand ready to “REVIEW” the next event that is to be hosted. But remember you never know where God wants to meet you. Someone said on a lighter note, that currently, the most sought after word after ‘Tweeaaaa’ is ‘REVIEW’ lol. Did I hear you say Tweaaaa? Take it soooooooftly! So as we LEARN all over again, may I humbly ask that we let our guards down and let God lead? By so doing, can we also call on our event organizers to GIVE GOD THE BEST? Can we also ask respectfully, that our Artistes prepare well in all aspects to give God the best? Will that be a fair call? Let God alone be the truest judge. His standards are the Ultimate. Let’s also not forget that as 2 Corinthians 5:20a puts it “we are the Messiah’s representatives” and as the Messiah’s representatives our taste and preferences must conform to the Messiah who DESERVES the BEST. I have taken so many cues from the responses. Although I have been off facebook for a while for personal reasons, I managed to see all that has been written and posted courtesy some admirers and family. They are all very constructive, not counterproductive though. That is how a MAN learns. You listen, you leap and you jump. So I LEARN AND I LEARN AND I LEARN… I still remain Quesie and my love for God’s work and his people continues to SOAR. With love, Quesie. Quesie BoateMarch 25th, 20142 Comments 2 Comments Ms. Effie says: March 25, 2014 at 5:07 pm Well said sir!! REPLY prissyPA says: March 25, 2014 at 6:01 pm Well said elder,can’t wait to see u as one the best ‘REVIEWER’ in this country…keep on with the good work.. REPLY Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment RECENT POSTS I LEARN TO UNLEARN AND I UNLEARN TO LEARN… March 25th, 2014 My Review of the “FREEDOM CONCERT” with FRED... March 18th, 2014 The Gospel Artiste and his “Branding” March 16th, 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS 06 APR 2014 Songs in the Night Album ... PIWC, Dansoman FREE ENTRY ABOUT IM Imperial Motive (IM) has a corporate strategy that places PEOPLE at the helm of its affairs.We organize all kinds of Christian, Corporate and Social events and we are also into Gospel Artiste management. Imperial Motive caters for the planning, advertising, day of event setup and post event debriefing. OUR VIDEOS OUR TESTIMONIALS I love to be in this event and am soooo loving it. God bless you guys for staging such an amazing show. I am really blessed for coming and i know am not the only feeling excited. We definitely want more next year. RECENT POSTS I LEARN TO UNLEARN AND I UNLEARN TO LEARN… March 25th, 2014 My Review of the “FREEDOM CONCERT” with FRED... March 18th, 2014 The Gospel Artiste and his “Branding” March 16th, 2014 © 2014 Imperial Motive. All Rights Reserved. | Powered by Richway Consult
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:03:32 +0000

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