HOME SWEET HOME: REMEMBER THIS HALF HOUR AUSTRALIAN TV SITUATION COMEDY SHOW that used to play in the 80s on ETV all those years ago about Enzo and Maria Pacelli who migrated from Italy to Australia and live there with their four children? Enzo is a taxi driver who wants to continue to do things the Italian way, but his Australian raised and educated children are more interested in Australian culture resulting in comedic story lines. I had hoped to find episodes of this favorite nostalgic show uploaded on the Internet for so long but it looks like there were never any DVDs made of the show available for viewing or for sale. Sometime back, someone who had some footage of this old show uploaded on YouTube two episodes to share with fellow fans. And after watching these episodes (link to the second episode in comment section), pleasantly surprised to know the show is as funny as I remember it back then with a classic theme of immigrant families from the old country trying to adjust in their new country while still holding on dearly to their cultures and traditions of the country of their origin that they want to pass down to their children born or raised in the new country and dont identify as much with their parents culture. It was interesting to watch this show while still at home and get a glimpse of the lives of such immigrant families in far away places. ENJOY .... for old times sake :-).
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:18:16 +0000

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