HOME SWEET HOME!!! Yesterday was crazy. We got results of Foxxs - TopicsExpress


HOME SWEET HOME!!! Yesterday was crazy. We got results of Foxxs latest kidney function lab. His creatinine level jumped from 0.8 to 1.7 (70% higher than the previous high score). Hoping its an anomaly. He had a couple of days with very little urine output (catheter that fell out and then his new catheter getting clogged with a blood clot. These could put pressure on his little damaged kidneys. Not to mention surgery. But we didnt expect a score like that. Either way, its not an immediate problem. Just something to watch over the next few months. We got to the hospital knowing that they may approve his discharge because hes been eating so well and has reached all of his go home goals. He had struggled to eat the prior day but mostly because of his recovery from surgery. If he would eat well for one day, he could go home. Maureen got him to eat a couple of times through the nite, but that tapered off to nothing by mid morning. At 3:00 PM Foxx had still not eaten. Dad tried to bottle feed, but he only took 10 ml of his 45 ml. And that took half an hour. Not a great score! He was just sooo groggy. We prayed that he could finish the bottle so we could get out of there! If he didnt finish by 3:30 Foxx would have to stay another night. After a diaper change, Hailey took over. The amazing Mom that she is, she got Fixx to down the rest of his bottle in no time and prayers were answered! We got our discharge papers and I went to the pharmacy in the hospital lobby to get them filled. They said it would take an hour, so I left to meet my sister Jen at Ronald McDonald House, where we have been staying. Jen cleaned the room and helped me pack and after an hour, we were loaded up and I headed back to the Hospital to pick up Hailey and Foxx. Did I mention I have amazing sisters? Battling time against another feeding challenge, I rushed back to the hospital and went to pick up the prescription. After 15 minutes of impatient waiting, they came back and said, Oh, we didnt know you needed that right away. Really? I came and dropped it off in person and you said it would be an hour. Ugh!!!! Meanwhile, my truck was parked in the 5 minute drive up parking with a bed full of our stuff. They promised to fill it in 20 minutes and I ran upstairs to get Hailey and Foxx. They were all ready to go. Hailey looked pretty and Foxx so cute with his little fox jammies and a fox hat! It was dang cute! We wrapped up some loose ends And the nurse walked us back down to the truck. I then ran back to the pharmacy and picked up the prescriptions. Its strange to think that this was Foxxs first time outdoors. And his car seat was about 20 times his size! He looked so dang small in it. I think hes too small for it, even though he is technically in range. So, we probably wont be driving anywhere except to the doctor for a while. Driving home was surreal. It felt amazing. Hugely elated! This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We are parents. And our boy is going to make it! And he is HOME! I was single for a long time and searched for a wife for a long long time. It was a sad and extremely challenging journey. The last year and a half have been the most amazing of my life. Its indescribable. Hailey is my dream girl. Shes kind, fun, caring, spiritual, selfless, and has a heart as big as the moon. And what an awesome mother she is clearly going to be! I am sure there will be lots of rough road ahead in life. Thats how its supposed to be. But I am looking forward to it because I have such an amazing woman by my side every step of the way. When we think about who we ended up marrying, Hailey and I will often say to the other, Its you!!! Im so glad its you! Thank you Hailey for being you! One of the great miracles in my life is finding a girl who was willing to marry me. An even greater miracle is that shes so dang pretty and amazing! Im glad its you, Hailey!!! And Im glad its you too, Foxx!! Getting home was pretty amazing. Someone had apparently found out and put a bouquet of balloons on the porch. Thanks mystery person!!! As fate would have it, Foxx had his first blowout in the car on the way home. All the way through to his brand spanking new car seat. We changed his diaper and he immediately went again. Welcome to parenthood!!! We dumped all of our bags, which pretty much destroyed the clean house. We headed up stairs and Hailey fed little Foxx man. He ate like a champ and that brought a lot of comfort to us. Bedtime brought a whole new set of challenges. When we put him down he started whimpering. And he whimpered all night. It was sooooo sad. Poor little man trying to adjust to new surroundings without all those lights and nurses and crying neighbors and loud beeping alarms and IVs, catheters and cables coming out all over his body! I guess he misses them! Hailey got basically no sleep last night. I got a few cat naps. But we are both shot. Hailey is finally sleeping and Im doing the Foxx Report with little Foxx curled up on my chest finally sleeping. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, fasting, kind words, visits, food, and especially your loving support. Its a wonderful life and we wouldnt have it any other way. Most importantly, thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us the incredible blessing of Foxx Davis Barnes.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:38:03 +0000

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