HOMEOPATHIC CURE OF TYPHOID [Case is presented by Dr. Samadhan Ghule. homeopathdrslg@gmail] Housewife of 37years consulted me for her complaints of fever, lumbago, pain in abdomen, involuntary diarrhea, weakness, yellow urine, burning pain in eyes and bitter taste in mouth since 2 week. Widal test was positive. Already she had taken allopathic treatment for 5days without benefit. Fever was irregular of remittent type. Pain in abdomen about umbilicus had night aggravation from 10-11 pm to 5am. Pain in abdomen was aggravated by pressure. Involuntary stool with cough and sneezing. Lumbago had sitting aggravation. Patient was chilly and thirstless with marked weakness. Discussion: Involuntary diarrhea during typhoid fever is the characteristic symptom of this case, if we consider our patient is chilly then Ars.alb, Phos.acid, Mur.acid, hyocyamus these are the differential medicines; weakness is marked in Ars.alb, Phos.acid and mur.acid. Patient is thirstless and that is more indicated in Phos.acid. Involuntary stool on coughing or sneezing is the indication of Phos.acid , here other differential medicines get rule out. Finally I gave Phos.acid 200 stat. Follow up after 3days.: No fever, no lumbago ,no pain in abdomen, no burning pain in eyes, no involuntary stool, urine normal, no weakness, taste improved. Patient better.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:42:54 +0000

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