HOMEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT OF PEDIATRIC CASE [Case is presented by Dr. Samadhan Ghule.homeopath@gmail] Doctor couple consulted me for a treatment of their little son aged of 1year and 9month. Patient had high grade fever [101-102 O f], period of dentition, lack of appetite, dryness of lips, swelling on upper eyelids, yellowish coating on tongue, salivation increased, desire fanning, aversion to covering, hot and thirstless,, perspiration scanty, sleep interrupted due to fever, he used to sleep on abdomen, mucus in stool, used to bore into the nose, desire company of parents [mother or father shoul d near about him or he cling to them] though he didn’t want to be carried; weeping, irritable, obstinate and dictatorial with complaints otherwise he used to play well. Already Patient had received some allopathic and also homeopathic treatment without benefit. I had clinical experience that pulsatilla baby become irritable and weepy during suffering and his attachment toward mother get increase, literally he clings to mother. General symptoms from this case: hot, thistles, aversion to covering, sleep position on abdomen, aversion to be being fanned- all these symptoms are in favors of pulsatilla. Pulsatilla is given in italic type in synthesis repertory for the sleep disturbed by heat and the salivation during heat. Pulsatilla is given in bold type for intense fever, mucous stool, and swelling on upper lids. I gave a dose of pulsatilla200 [31/10/2013 12.20am]. Follow up after 6hours: No fever after a dose of Pulsatilla. Appetite improved. Follow up at next day [01/11/2013]: Last night patient was mild feverish but appetite better. Thirst was increased. Hot. Redness and ulceration inside the nostrils. Pulsatilla relived the complaints acutely but now relapsing with low intensity so here more deep acting and complementary medicine should be thought of. Now patient is hot with increased thirst and he has a redness and ulceration inside the nostrils; Sulphur has a same indications. So why I gave a dose of sulphur200. Follow up at next day [02/11/2013]: Temperature reached the height at 102 O f and within 12 hours it came to normal with improvement in all other conditions. Patient was playing well , no more need the company of parents. Follow up at next day [03/11/2013]: No fever, nor any other complaints, Pt. better
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:00:15 +0000

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