HOMEOPATHY MEDICINE WORKS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY The largest barrier and wider acceptance of homeopathy is due to skeptics argument over the nature of homeopathic medicines is processing is a merely dilution as placebo with no remaining molecules of potencies past 24X or 12 C. Recently Dr.BELLARES study (first report 2010) at the Indian Institute of Technology revealed that metal remedies presence of nano particles at low and high potencies 200 C. The research team of Mumbai IIT shows that the nano particles are developed from a series of Trituration (in milk of sugar)and as result of succussions (diluting form). The nano particle thus transferred from dilution to dilution in some what variable quantities. Nano particles are very small particles of a given materials (1-100 nano meters). More significant things is that ,the natures and properties of nano scale forms of most materials one markedly different from, bulk form materials. Nano particles has a very large surface area to volume ratios ,with high surface energies even atom like properties.It has a high quantum properties and other many physical properties that there bulk form do not process. The above concise article reveals the fact of homeopathy and make a relation and prove of quantum physics and the speculation and prove of homeopathic medicine to the materialistic skeptics which was told by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann That we see in the 6 th edition of Organon of Medicine The remarkable alternation in the preparation of natural bodies is achieved through mechanical action as there smallest particles by Trituration and Succussion......... .Dr. Subir Basu...Durgapur..India.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 04:39:51 +0000

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