HOMEWARD BOUND. but the time will come when, in spite of all the - TopicsExpress


HOMEWARD BOUND. but the time will come when, in spite of all the forts that Russia can erect there, it must recede even from them. The ruins of these, like other remains which serve but as flood-marks to attest how far it has advanced under former invaders, and prove that in some instances it was carried even much further than at present, will by the future generations of Circassia be viewed with the same indifference , and ascribed, in the common oblivion that attends them, to the distant period of Genoese supremacy. Such were the reflections inspired by the last view of Circassia, from whose coasts, till darkness had veiled it from them, I was unable to withdraw my eyes. longworth . from a year among the circassians .1840. p 339 .vol. II
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:15:08 +0000

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