HON BARR LEGOR “JOSEPH’’ IDAGBO AND THE REST OF US IN CROSS RIVER Many people expect that as the Director General of Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON the largest online and on ground socio-political platform in Cross River State I should remain neutral as regards my position on those aspiring to government house in Cross River come 2015. While I appreciate feedbacks, I also appreciate the fact that my rights as a human is fundamental and as an individual, I have right to make choices and informed choices at that. Our organization may not be comfortable with endorsing a candidate based on the greater percentage of our members demand that we don’t endorse anybody but I am not foreclosed from individually taking a stand. I have interacted with all the governorship aspirants currently jostling to succeed Senator Liyel Imoke except Mr Goddy Jedddy Agba. I must confess that the North of Cross River is blessed with some of the best brains in the world. In truth anyone of these men can lead Cross River State and take us to the next level but unfortunately not all of them can be governor at the same time and we must consider some other factors in picking the ‘’best’’ amongst the ‘’best’’. From a pure technocrat and an institutional personality in Dr Peter Oti to an oil mogul/corporate and super rich Prince Goddy Jeddy Agba to a humble and highly intellectual Mr Emmanuel Ibeshi and a strategic planner and strategist in Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo while Rev Fr Francis Eworoh spiritual and welfare outreach ignites our senses, Barr Mike Aniah merges humility, experience and a subtle but invasive passion, Sen Ben Ayade-a Prof and politician of flamboyance is a true definition of business and welfare in politics. Hon Larry Odey conservative personality and service as speaker and acting Governor leaves more to our imagination, Barr Joe Agi’s (SAN) doggedness and independence is a positive attribute for a State defined as passive and soft. In all of the above, others with exceptional attributes were ‘’screened’’ out via a caucus screening and we are left with those mentioned above except Barr Legor “Joseph” Idagbo before I delve into Barr Hon Legor Idagbo’s personality, I hope the few that tried to crucify me when I spoke on behalf of the youths of Northern Cross River at a northern stake holders forum of Cross River at Channel View are now clarified. I had stated clearly and unreservedly that any person who thinks the North of Cross River doesn’t have what it takes or an individual to succeed Sen Liyel is a ‘’fool’’. Today I am vindicated! Hon legor Idagbo is just 42, it is not his age alone that trips me but he has the face, brain and heart of a leader that Cross River State needs. Legor’s youthfulness is combined with a mental attribute that is simplified in humility. His blue print for Cross River is superb and well thought through and who says he won’t deliver? He delivered as Chairman of Bekwara Local Government a platform that saw his innovation exhibited by boosting the culture and heritage of his people and by also innovatively introducing the Brick business to create wealth for the Bekwara people, should we talk about his health and educational reforms? His people could not help it but ask him to run again as Chairman of council, an election he ran and won impressively. Now to set the record straight, Legor had a solid independent background having practised law professionally at Abuja before seeking to serve in elective offices and to show his true passion for service he went straight to the grassroots. From Secretary of council in his 30’s to Chairman and Chairman again, he was not allowed to complete his tenure as Chairman before he was elevated to handle a sensitive portfolio in Sen Liyel Imoke’s cabinet as Commissioner of Works. Now before his elevation he brought fame and pride to Cross River State,CRS by winning an award as the best Local Government Chairman in South South Nigeria and the second best in Nigeria, he was also the Chair of Chairmen in the Association of Local Governments Chairmen. Conceptualize his progression looking at his antecedent and you will not need a soothsayer to let you know that Legor is a timely gift to Cross River and we should accept this gift and utilize same for the greater good of our future. As a tourist state the physical and mental composition of our Governor is a brand that must not be toiled with, Legor as a brand has a face that is saleable and a brain that can initiate innovation, conversation etc with anyone in the world he exhibited this as a John F kennedy Scholar an alumnus of Harvard . In the last carnival road walk Hon Legor was seen in swag and pomp digging it out. We need a healthy and energy filled leader-Legor has it! It is not a mistake that Hon Barr Legor Idagbo was born at the right time and place and as well prepared for the race to government house. His family life speaks volume too and his Christian virtues show an individual with deep spirituality. He may not be a saint but his calm, humble and strong inner peace emanates a force that radiates hope, believe, love and faith, this positive radiance is needed in the future of Cross River State. If Hon Barr Legor has shown very outrageous “loyalty” to his boss-Sen Liyel Imoke, this folk definitely will show loyalty to the end for a cause that is ours, a true friend can be known by how he treats his friends for if Judas could betray Jesus he can betray anyone. Now let us pause to think of this. A governorship screening was fixed for yesterday rather than leave like others to Port for the screening he missed the screening just to wait in the airport to see his boss who has been away for a while and this singular act has been negatively interpreted as a sign that he has withdraw from the race, there are many instances I will not want to make mention of. Hon Legor Idagbo represents the future of a new Cross River, a future of possibilities, of realizable hopes, believes and positive aspirations. He is a future of innovation for the utilization of all of our potentials, from human to natural resources, let us not be fooled Hon Legor did not get to where he is on the platter of Gold, he worked for it and like the parable of the faithful servant nature and God has rewarded him. See the summarized progression below: Comfortable back ground(Son of a Justice of the high court)---Lost his dad while growing up------His mom struggled to send him to school-----He toiled to graduate and graduated and was called to Bar--------Private Practise----He went into grassroots politics------Was made Executive Secretary of one of the Local Governments in Nigeria/CRS(In Donald Duke’s administration-Bekwara)-------Voted as Chairman in Bekwara(Reformed his LGA and brought attention to it)----Re-elected Chairman(An exception in a LGA where you don’t serve more than once, he emerged as Chairman of Chairmen and won awards while delivering one of the best speeches during Sen Liyel Governorship re-election tours across the LGAs)-----He was elevated into the State Executive Council and made Commissioner in the Ministry of Works-----He resigns after months of splendid service to aspire for the Governorship position come 2015(A position zoned to his district)----what next? Governor of CRS! Please answer these questions: Was Sen Liyel Imoke in government when Hon Legor was secretary of council? No! (He never had any relationship with Liyelor Don) Was Legor the only secretary in the 18 LGAs? No! How come he played his game well to be made a Chairman from his position as Secretary?(Rhetorical) Now how did he manage to win his people over to be re-elected as Chairman one of the only chairman to be so re-elected? (Rhetorical) Was Legor the only chairman in CRS when he won awards for the state? No! How did he stand out to have an invitation to serve a man who barely knew him but have come to trust and love him? He wasn’t the only chairman but loyalty, hardwork and dedication to service stood him out. Has the governor-Sen Liyel endorsed him irrespective of his glaring loyalty and dedication to serve CRS? No! Has a greater percentage of Cross Riverians endorsed him? Yes! Will you advice that a man who has built this kind of profile withdraw from the race at this hour? No! Will you join hands with other Cross Riverians in their thousands to support this open and accessible aspirant to materialize this collective dream for the good of our state? Yes! Do you now understand why he is been envied by few and these few are trying to spread false news about him? (Rhetorical) Do we need a leader with the fear of God and compassion for others? Yes! Do you now know why Legor is accepted by a greater percentage of Cross Riverians? (Rhetorical) Will it not be evil and great disservice to our state for a man that understands our problems as a state and has the knowledge and experience-political and social to quit or be portrayed wrongly? Yes it will be evil to portray good as bad and No, he can’t quit now. Now reflect on the story of Joseph in the bible and you will understand a lot about the personality called Barr Legor, this is why I call him Legor “Joseph” Idagbo. Over a million Cross Riverians believe in Barr Legor, his loyalty, youthfulness, innovative and enterprising spirit is a gift that we must and should utilize especially at this critical period. This is why legor’s cause is the cause of all the youths in CRS and the cause of most persons in the streets and a greater percentage of Cross Riverians. Legor can be trusted, he will consolidate, he will innovate and he will deliver our common wishes and prayers while introducing novelties for our good and that of our generations unborn. Hon Barr Legor hold on to God strongly for He alone has the final say and know who your true friends are and always listen to them. Know today that those who are for you are greater than those who are against you. I know that those that believe in you will not be let down just like you have always protected the interest of the state and the interest of your boss. You have shown us that he that can be trusted with little things can be entrusted with greater things. Great things lies ahead do not be afraid! When you get there please work with those that aspired with you for the wealth of knowledge will help build CRS and to those contesting and their supporters our individual interests should never supersede the CRS interest. We must refuse to cast aspersion and shun the use of violence as we seek to share our will or determination to serve. In all god has a final say and we must continue to pray for his will to be done but these signs above about Legor shows us that Legor Idagbo was created for this time. As Cross Riverians let us support him and for those that know me and what I have stood for in the past I believe we can and we will deliver more with Barr legor Idagbo, he is reliable, he is open, accessible, compassionate, loyal innovative, above all has the fear of God. As Christians we understand who Joseph was and how old he was, we know of David and Goliath and we know who Shedrach, Mescach and Abednigo and Daniel were and the roles they played. Hon Barr Legor “Joseph” Idagbo is a gift and blessing to Cross River State, share the message! Before God used Abram he changed his name to Abraham, he changed Jacob to Israel and Peter to the Rock and Hoshea to Joshua, Saul to Paul and today I make a revelation I had some weeks back but have been hesitant to share and that is the fact that you are a Joseph. Arise Lego “Joseph” Idagbo and possess your possessions. Your destiny is tied to so many and you must fulfil your destiny. God bless and protect Sen Liyel Imoke God bless and protect Cross River State God bless and protect Nigeria God bless and protect Cross River State Political Network,CRISPON God bless and protect Barr Legor ‘’Joseph’’ Idagbo Amen! It is normal as human to waiver but only the strong retrace their steps and forge ahead, you are strong! Prince Michael Nku Abuo, JP (Public Analyst and a socio-political activist and member of CRISPON, this opinion held above is his and not the view of all the members of Cross River State Political Network,CRISPON )
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:17:23 +0000

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