HON. DAVID IDRIS ZACHARIAS - A NEOTERIC PERSONAGE WITH A NEW KIND OF POLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE. Austere anxiety and weighty botheration about the future, and a sense of impotence is a malady afflicting and gradually enveloping the people of Idah Federal Constituency. This quandary is midwifed by the kind of lethargic and unresponsive representation the people have experienced over the years in the Federal House of Representatives. If the appalling status quo continues, the positive change we have so much desired in our constituency will not materialize. In order to realize the kind of politics that properly responds to the changing times, and to return to a politics that looks at matters from the viewpoint of the people and senses the feelings of our people, David Idris Zacharias is the man who has the merit, competence, capacity; and also possess the political repertoire cum civic gravitas to make it happen! Needless to say, a major problem facing us in our constituency is that our political structure and pattern has not changed; and in this changing times, we must have politics where politicians chosen by the people should exert leadership and make a judicious use of the peoples mandate. As a quintessence of philanthropy and democracy, Hon. Zacharias is out to return politics to the hands of the people and pave the way for the people of Idah Federal Constituency to decide their political and economic destiny. Hon. David Idris Zachariass vision is that of profound transformation of society. As an astute and well-informed politician, he is cognizant of the fact that political transformation without economic emancipation is meaningless. That is why he has committed himself to the economic emancipation of his people via his philanthropic organization, the DAVID ZACHARIAS FOUNDATION. This rare breed and patriotic but silent achiever solely funds the Zacharias Foundations annual scholarship award scheme, which has been running for years, and has put smile on the faces of myriad of indigent Kogites of Igala extraction. The scholarship is designed principally for primary and secondary school students from the Idah Federal Constituency which encompasses Ibaji, Idah, Igalamela/Odolu and Ofu Local Governments, and it is one of his manifold philanthropic gestures towards his people among other sundry schemes he introduced to enhance their standard of living. Hon. Zacharias was born a leader! He is a man of outstanding moral character; a man of common sense and common sensibilities, and a man of integrity. I have never been one for praise singing. Even if I were, my list would be limited to close to zero. In our clime today, integrity is scarce. Nevertheless a few have held their head high above the murk of corruption in which the majority have sunk and wallowed deeply in; and it would be grossly inequitable to be silent on these few shining examples because of the darkly sinister majority! Hon. David Idris Zacharias is one of those few politicians with outstanding sterling qualities and with the capacity to bring about the desired change and responsive representation for the people of Idah Federal Constituency! VOTE HON. DAVID IDRIS ZACHARIAS FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (IBAJI, IDAH, IGALAMELA/ODOLU, & OFU FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY).
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:29:13 +0000

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