HON. MUSALIA MUDAVADI MAKES ANOTHER GUMBLE It is not my habit to - TopicsExpress


HON. MUSALIA MUDAVADI MAKES ANOTHER GUMBLE It is not my habit to delve into matters Hon. Mudavadi and UDF, today allow me break my norm and interrogate this subject albeit lightly. It is my humble submission that my elder brother and leader Hon. Musalia Mudavai at no stage has he ever owned UDF party but rather was accommodated when it was deemed convenient by UDF mandarins that Mudavadi was the most ideal luhyia able to eat into half of the luhyia vote hence susceptible to achieve the agenda of the legends. This agenda was indeed achieved when His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta was declared the 04th President of the Republic of Kenya. Hon. Mudavadi stage managed his exit from ODM where he was a Deputy party leader and enjoyed the trappings of the office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya by purporting to go for the ODM’s presidential candidate nominee only to turn back and say there is no internal democracy in ODM due to a clause that stated the party leader shall be the automatic presidential candidate of the party. It is instructive to note that Hon. Musalia Mudavadi was the chair of the sub-committee that came up with that very clause!! Eventually Hon. Mudavadi left ODM to join UDF where he was expressly declared the party’s sole presidential candidate!! I wonder how he found that to be internal democracy!! In the midst of the flare and excitement of being on the ballot as a presidential candidate, Hon. Mudavadi and his handlers did not take due diligence as to ownership of UDF party by fixing key allies to strategic party positions like Chairman and Secretary General, an omission that has come back to haunt Hon. Mudavadi to date. This singular omission by Mudavadi and his handlers is going to be extremely fatal in the days ahead as UDF goes through internal challenges. Interestingly and to Hon. Mudavadi’s amazement, the position of UDF party leader and Deputy Party leader is not anchored in the party constitution and none other than the Registrar of political party’s Ms. Ndung’u made that clarification to UDF party in writing. It is unfortunate that my elder brother Hon. Mudavadi is following up UDF structures at a time when there are internal party wrangles with the very bonafide officials who hold legal party instruments!! In this kind of a fight your guess is as good as mine as to who is gonna lose out. These wrangles have reached the political parties tribunal and we can only wait for the outcome with batted breath. It has come as a shocked to me that in the midst of all these controversies a faction led by Hon Mudavadi and which in my own opinion seems to have no ‘locus standi’ called for a special convention in which the purported delegates passed three crucial agendas: 1. Occasioned rebranding of UDF to Amani National Congress(ANC); 2. Caused election of Hon. Alfred Sambu as UDF chairman; 3. Resolved expulsion from UDF party of Senator Bonny Khalwale, Senator nominated Martha Wangari, Chairman and nominated Mp Hon. Hassan Osman. Looking at the UDF structures and party constitution, I am not very sure whether or not the convention was legally and properly constituted and resolutions thereto as to their solidity and grounding. I foresee long UDF party battles ahead with dire political repercussions to my elder brother Hon. Musalia Mudavadi Friends I may not qualify to advice Hon. Musalia Mudavadi for I believe he has a team of competent advisors notwithstanding his long political career spanning over 22yrs but my input to him could be as he aspires to be the President of this great Republic of Kenya, let him raise his bar above parochial politics and shenanigans that will only deem further his ambitions. Needleless to say, at this time in point for Hon Musalia Mudavadi to open up a battle line with Senator Bonny Khalwale in western is going to be counterproductive and might as well work against his fragile hold on the LUHYIA NATION. Again in my own opinion, if there will be a senatorial by election in Kakamega county, Senator Bonny Khalwale will win with a landslide with the other beneficiary whose profile would have been upped by the by-election being Senator Moses Masika Wetangula Ford Kenya Party Leader, for I foresee him joining Dr. Khalwale’s campaign trail with a lot of reciprocal vigor. At the service of honorable members of the Public. Desterio W. Okumu 28th October 2014
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:21:00 +0000

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