HONESTY! Synonyms integrity, probity, truthfulness, veracity, - TopicsExpress


HONESTY! Synonyms integrity, probity, truthfulness, veracity, verity Related Words honor, honorableness, incorruptibility, rectitude, righteousness, right-mindedness, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, uprightness; artlessness, candidness, candor, forthrightness, frankness, good faith, guilelessness, ingenuousness, plain spokenness, sincerity, straightforwardness; dependability, reliability, reliableness, trust ability, trustiness, trustworthiness; accuracy, objectivity; authenticity, correctness, genuineness, truth; credibility. And I have noticed that to be frank and forth right is an offence to most people. Truthful means to be direct, forthcoming, forthright, foursquare, frank, freehearted, free-spoken, open, openhearted, out-front, outspoken, plain, plainspoken; believable, credible, true, veritable; artless, earnest, genuine, guileless, unaffected, unpretending, unpretentious; conscientious, moral, principled, scrupulous; aboveboard, dependable, reliable, trustable, trustworthy, trusty.. Sometimes when we have boldness to speak truth and honesty it is mistaken for pride! God hates pride! It is one of the seven deadly sins. Just a thought!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:13:41 +0000

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