HONOURING THE MIRACLE OF LIFE: RAINBOW LOKAHI RENAVIGATION FOR THE SEVENTH GENERATION Jeff Phillips Contribution for new Oracle Odyssey Magazine, out late April :) aniwaniwa-lokahi-renavigation.blogspot.au/2014/03/my-contribution-to-new-oracle-magazine.html OUR CONTRIBUTION TO NEW ORACLE 2012 PUBLICATION Jeff Phillips & Liesbet Verstraeten synthaissance.blogspot.au/2012/05/our-contribution-to-new-oracle.html MY CONTRIBUTION TO THE NEW ORACLE ODYSSEY 2014 HONOURING THE MIRACLE OF LIFE: RAINBOW LOKAHI RENAVIGATION for the ‘SEVENTH GENERATION’ I am honoured to be included in the new Oracle and wish to extend gratitude and blessings to Star and crew for on-going hard work and dedication to creative community and information activism. I wish to thank Liesbet Verstraeten, who was the other half of my ‘ultimate creative partnership’, for five lovely and awesome years of unbelievably amazing adventures and a true ‘love of life’, a powerful and productive once-in-a-life-time experience of multi-dimensional sharing. Bless you dolphin-goddess! And I’d like to thank Mother Earth and the Great Spirit for making us all possible! The nature of our personal and collective realities is elusive, mysterious, complex and paradoxical; I cannot speak for everyone, but as I see it, we all have a lot to be thankful for, for ‘the beauty and power of being here now’ on a planet of immense vitality and improbable diversity; for mitakuye oyasin, ‘all our relations’, our family of life; for the gifts of life and creativity, and in the ‘privileged west’, ‘freedom’ and opportunity. Many people think that everything is ‘A-OK’, that things are all precisely as they should be. My experience, however, is more complex, and, I believe, more ‘realistic.’ I perceive that astronomical contradictions and incoherencies characterize the human relationship with Mother Earth and non-human life. With all due respect to the uniqueness of personal realities, I also perceive that as a whole, our dMOE, or ‘distributed mental operating environment’, our collective world-view, is not based on the underlying reality that our planet and fellow beings matter just as much as we do, but is more of a ‘shared delusional system’ that seems valid to us but to everyone else is a massive hallucination driving our ecocidal military-industrial juggernaut. The Hopi native American concept of koyaanisqatsi seems perfectly to describe exactly what is happening in the world of today: ‘life out of balance’, ‘crazy life’, or ‘a way of life that calls for another way of living.’ I first learned of the Hopi prophecies when I was at Big Mountain in northern Arizona in April 1986 in support of indigenous people who were being forcibly relocated so their land could be strip-mined for coal and uranium. The Chernobyl meltdown occurred during this exact window of time; this powerful synchronicity inspired me to become not only a life-long nuclear awareness educator, but more importantly, a bearer of the ancient Hopi warning: “If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster.” As I see it, humanity’s long-standing violation of this warning is the fundamental root of all the major problems our species is creating and experiencing today. If you look at the gamut of global health, socio-political, ecological, and most importantly, spiritual, issues resulting from our extraction and exploitation of gold, coal, iron, hydro-carbons, ‘rare Earth metals’’, and uranium, the summation really does represent in one way or another almost everything that is going wrong. We fail to grasp that Mother Earth is a living, breathing being and that all these materials have functions in her body that we do not comprehend. Not only are we disrupting her healthy functioning, we are also accruing enormous negative karma for our species. “What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” Chief Seattle All of this activity is being conducted by people, and we have the ability to stop doing these things if we wanted to. The unfortunate reality, however, is that as a whole we are steam-rolling ahead with our pedal to the metal. For decades I have felt that the whales and dolphins are not only a ‘true extra-terrestrial intelligence’ but also ‘the ultimate indigenous people’. I believe not only that the cetacean noosphere, the summation of their spiritual and psychic presence, has nurtured us and helped us become who we really are as ‘people’…I think they were ‘people’ long before we were…but also that they remember who WE are, even though we have forgotten, and are trying desperately to remind us of our true nature and to warn us of impending global cataclysm. The most powerful encounter with cetaceans I’ve ever had was when Liesbet and I were swimming in the ocean off of Aotea, or Great Barrier Island on the north island of New Zealand in 2010. Out of the blue, three dolphins approached us very closely and seemed to be ‘zapping’ us with some kind of amazing energy. They did this, left, and returned two or three times. We were blown away. When we got out of the water, we both felt extremely exhilarated physically, mentally, and spiritually but we both also felt that the dolphins had imparted to us a profound sense of urgency, a warning that some huge cataclysm was impending. A few months later the Fukushima scenario unfolded, what is by far the greatest ecological catastrophe in modern history; but my feeling is that the warning was for events on a far larger planetary scale. During my recent visit to the Big Island of Hawaii I had a powerful encounter with a woman who is a descendant of the original true Polynesian nobility who first settled there thousands of years ago, the Ha’I people. She shared some amazing information with me concerning esoteric dimensions of their shamanic navigation techniques, but of greatest interest was the story of her people. In essence, her original ancestor was a king of Lemuria who was warned by the sea-god, who had taken on the form of a whale crossed with a dolphin, that a major cataclysm was approaching and that they had to leave the island. He constructed an ark-like boat and with the help of the sea-god, who promised to assist in times of need, made it to the islands now known as Hawaii. The Iriquois native Americans believed that the consequences and implications of all major decisions should be considered for the effects they would have seven generations in the future; genetic toxicologist Arnold Lehmann, a contemporary of Rachel Carson, said in 1963 that in order truly to understand the effects of what chemical and radio-logical mutagens are doing to us, we would have to study at least 25 generations of people. We of today are only the third generation to live since these substances came into being. The Iriquois-Lehmann Paradox aptly characterizes the current scenario. I don’t know whether the impending global cataclysm could be of cosmic origin as described by Immanuel Velikovsky, or a slower process of the autogenic mutation of life as we know her due to ‘progress’ and relentless technological advancement, or if the latter might precede and/or contribute to the former. What we do not know and cannot know is much vaster than what we can and do know; what seems clear, however, is that we are not heeding the best knowledge we already have, and that “civilization” (which literally means ‘living in cities’) cannot continue to ‘progress’ at the expense of the healthful existence of indigenous people, including cetaceans, the world over, of mitakuye oyasin, of Mother Earth herself. While ‘modern man’ as a whole is mutating his way through an ‘A-OK’ la-la land of consensus shared delusion, Mother Earth and the Great Spirit are lovingly yet firmly evaluating our every move. To me, the challenge we now face is to re-navigate the overall human process and reprogram our collective dMOE using our best knowledge and wisdom and our immense powers of creativity, the ‘spark of divinity’ with which we each have been blessed; to ‘walk in beauty’ and compassion, to ask more of ourselves. The Hopi prophecy tells us that koyaanisqatsi is ultimately healed through the ‘day of purification’, a period of time during which Mother Earth cleanses herself of all that is out of balance with the nature of life, and that the ‘people of one heart’ would survive to be the ‘seeds’ of the ‘new creation.’ To ‘live simply so that others may simply live’ is to me the real message the cetaceans are beaming to us at this time; to base our decision-making on their implications for the ‘seventh generation’ also makes a lot of sense. We may not be able to forestall the ‘day of purification’, but we may be able to lessen its impact for the benefit of our ancestors, of mitakuye oyasin. I believe that EACH of us, as the human beings of here and now, share equally in the responsibility for what our species is doing. The larger cosmic context is beyond our control, but we could be doing a lot better job of taking care of our lives and Mother Earth. Everything that I do, all of my creative activities, are in honour of the miracle of life as we know her. Much of my recent art has rainbows in honour of the Rainbow Serpent, a mythological guardian common to many indigenous tribes of Australia, believed to represent the electromagnetic spectrum as well as the telluric currents of energy, the ‘nervous system impulses’, flowing through the body of Mother Earth; and cetaceans in honour of the highest beings on this planet. ‘Lokahi’ is a Hawaiian/Polynesian word meaning ‘world-view web of life’. With this Oracle presentation, I honour the miracle of life, and recommend a Rainbow Lokahi re-navigation for the ‘seventh generation.’ JEFF PHILLIPS NEUTRAL BAY NSW AUSTRALIA MOTHER EARTH 24 MARCH 2014 MY MAIN SITE dolphinmatrix/Jeff ‘AIHE TOHORA PAIKEA WANANGA’ (‘The Knowledge and Wisdom of Whales and Dolphins’) [‘beyond film’ in progress, am currently seeking art commissions to fund this project] youtu.be/eNFoL24pK3c email: therockist@gmail ‘KOYAANISQATSI’, 1985, non-verbal film by Ron Fricke WATCH IT HERE: vimeo/21922694 SEE ALSO RETURN TO CONSCIOUSNESS: THE NECESSARY REVOLUTION IN INTERNAL TECHNOLOGY Jeff Phillips renavigating-the-human-process.blogspot.au/2013/05/return-to-consciousness-necessary.html Man...has become the tyrant of the Earth, the waster of its resources, the creator of the most prodigious imbalance in the natural order which has ever existed… Joseph Wood Krutch, The Voice of the Desert Are the worlds of more advanced civilizations totally geometrized, entirely rebuilt by their inhabitants? Or would the signature of a really advanced civilization be that they left no sign at all? Carl Sagan, Contact IF WE DIG PRECIOUS THINGS FROM THE LAND WE WILL INVITE DISASTER Hopi Prophecy
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:19:30 +0000

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