HOORAY! HOORAY!! the idiots at ONE MORE TERM now classify me as - TopicsExpress


HOORAY! HOORAY!! the idiots at ONE MORE TERM now classify me as their #1 fan. and all because I actually DO MY HOMEWORK on the bullshit they post! They have called me everything from a BBM paid campaigner, to a Troll, although THEY are too lazy and stupid to do THEIR homework. If they had, they would have discovered that I have been an FB fan for over 8 years now. Thats 8 years BEFORE the OMTFP page decided to infest everyones day with the pro-Aquino propaganda and other lie filled, economy boosted, poverty alleviated barnyard clap-trap. And unlike the so-many blinded-by-the-yellow-light half-wits and other people they have successfully brainwashed over the last 30 years. I come from a country that DOES NOT and NEVER has denied their children an honest and open education. We encourage the free-will and free-spirited thinking that is in EVERY child out there. We dont shy away from their questions. And when we give them an answer, we do so in a way that encourages them to continue thinking. Rather than blindly accept the first answer, the way you do here. We dont try and dumb-down the ever-growing populace of our country. Sadly, over the course of the last 28+ years, the Filipino people have allowed themselves - like the people of North Korea - to have your every thought controlled through a mass-media-driven, personality cult. You accept THEIR word, without a second thought. If they endorsed Satan himself for the next President, you would probably elect him. Solid examples of Filipino stupidity at its finest: 1. Electing Nancy Binay to Senator - ZERO political experience. 2. Electing Antonio Trillanes to Senate - A 2-time mutinous criminal. 3. Electing Gringo Honasan to Senate - 2-time rebel coup leader. 4. Keeping Juan Ponce Enrile in power - Martial Law years criminal. 5. Making Fidel Ramos President - Martial Law years criminal. 6. Aquino campaigning for his Senate candidates. Thats illegal. 6. Accepting Last years 60-30-10 election results as coincidental. 7. 40 families control 75% of the nations GDP. 8. The same 40 families control 50% of the nations wealth. Side note: Those 40 families roughly equate to 40,000 people. That makes them 0.04% of the current population of 100,000,000 Filipinos. And the list goes on and on. And why did the above examples happen. Because you all have a unhealthy Hero fetish and have grown to be stupid enough to believe ANYTHING they tell you. Let the ONE MORE TERM idiots claim I have no clue what I am talking about. It makes no difference to me. I know what I am saying is the truth. And THEY do know its the truth. And if they were the slightest bit democratic, or had a single testicle between their legs, they would allow EVERYONE to comment their page. Rather than act like the Dictator their leader has shown himself to truly be.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 08:26:25 +0000

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