HOPE POSITIVE INC. MOTTO “Working together positively to make a - TopicsExpress


HOPE POSITIVE INC. MOTTO “Working together positively to make a difference” VISION Produce a “safety net” for HIV/Positive Women MISSION The mission of HOPE POSIVE organization is to: Provide Outreach service; information concerning community issues; Supply current medical/health information; Explore Family/Social forces at work today; Provide ways to self-sufficiency, and finally Endeavor to find ways to spiritual growth through Real Bible Study. HOPE is possible through POSITIVE interaction with others, and can produce healthy, successful lives. Everyone who is inspired, is invited to participate in our mission POSITIVE ASPECTS 1. Support from others who have same issues. 2. A source to helpful information. 3. Source for social interaction and spiritual development with others. 4. Community involvement. 5. Ways to increase self-sufficiency and greater self-esteem. PROCESS Getting the word out Word of mouth Webpage design (privacy issues): The webpage can be used as a form of survey to ascertain number of participants. Telephone 1-800 Number Classes and information Seminars/Conferences/Peer Groups These are sources to social and spiritual interaction with others Network Organizations Hospitals, Hospice Services, Diverse organizations that espouse same philosophies. This is a source to finding helpful information such as; medical, community, educational, and family dynamics. Location Classes and Assemblies Organizations within the community Churches Support from others who have same issues. Equipment Office Supplies: paper, pencils, notebooks, staplers, paper clips etc. Technical Support: televisions; video recorders; DVD/CD players; Electronic Lexicons, computers Books: Informative Periodicals, Commentaries In 1990 I founded an organization in Utah called “Utah Coalition of African American Women.” Upon establishing this organization I enlisted the help of a group of women who developed a survey to ask the women of the community of Utah what their concerns were. At that time one the concerns was the AIDS Pandemic just coming to the fore-front. The coalition took on this concern as a project. The coalition teamed-up with the American Red Cross. I was trained as an instructor for the organization. My title was Instructor Trainer in HIV/AIDS prevention. During my training period I attended conferences, training symposiums, and other modes of instruction. I noticed at that time as I associated with women who were HIV positive, that the countenance of these women was that of stress and unhappiness to say the least. At that time the public was woefully ignorant of the disease’s causation and ways of transmission. Even though the public has since been educated concerning HIV/AIDS, there is still fear and suspicion surrounding this disease. Often time’s women who are HIV positive are fearful of their condition to be exposed to the public. Consequently, they live quiet lives of loneliness and desperation. For this reason I feel the need to help, in the only way that I know of, that is to form a “safety net” for my sisterfriends. The focus of HOPE POSITIVE organization encompasses providing my sisterfriends with; opportunity to become involved in community issues; learn about current medical/health information; ways to become self-sufficient; approaches to examine family/social forces prevalent today; behaviors to develop healthier self-esteem; and means to encourage spiritual growth through Real Bible study. The Bible study segment includes classes that incorporate exegeses, hermeneutics and other dynamics that help to correctly translate Bible scripture. This organization will also provide times for interaction with others who have the same issues. I solicit your feedback concerning the viability of this organization. Please take the time to express your feelings so that I can build the structure for this organization in earnest. Please respond in the following manner: □“Yes I agree with the ideals and formation of this organization because”: □ I do have time, talent and compassion to volunteer. Your response is vital to me, and will let me know that I should proceed to make HOPE POSITIVE the safety net for my HIV positive sisterfriends. Sister: my beautiful sisters in God. Friends: my friends for life. Your Sisterfriend, E. F. Wine/ Atlanta, GA INTRODUCTION/PROBLEM STATEMENT In 1990 I founded an organization in Utah called “Utah Coalition of African American Women.” Upon establishing this organization I enlisted the help of a group of women who developed a survey to ask the women of the community of Utah what their concerns were. At that time one the concerns was the AIDS Pandemic just coming to the fore-front. The coalition took on this concern as a project. The coalition teamed-up with the American Red Cross. I was trained as an instructor for the organization. My title was Instructor Trainer in HIV/AIDS prevention. During my training period I attended conferences, training symposiums, and other modes of instruction. I noticed at that time as I associated with women who were HIV positive, that the countenance of these women was that of stress and unhappiness to say the least. At that time the public was woefully ignorant of the disease’s causation and ways of transmission. Even though the public has been educated concerning HIV/AIDS, there is still fear and suspicion surrounding this disease. *See attached information entitled “CDC HIV AIDS FACT SHEET”. Often time’s women who are HIV positive are fearful of their condition being exposed to the public. Consequently, they live quiet lives of loneliness and desperation. For black women with AIDS, the disease is not a singular issue. For many of them, it is just another piece in the mosaic of joblessness, poverty, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and illiteracy that is rampant in many communities. As the most serious health crises to affect black women in recent history, AIDS is a vivid symbol of the havoc that has been wreaked on women’s quality of life in American society. In addition to presenting major life-threating conditions, the AIDS epidemic represents a widespread social, political and cultural backlash. AIDS has given leeway for individuals and social institutions to ignore or further exploit black women. As reported by CDC “ HIV Among Women’s” report, “At some point in their lifetime, an estimated 1 in 32 black/African American women will be diagnosed with HIV infection, compared with 1 in 106 Hispanic/Latino women and 1 in 525 white women.” There is a critical need for holistic prevention sources and compassion to help HIV/AIDS infected women to become active and viable members of the community. These women are an untapped source of value to the community. HOPE POSITIVE is an organization dedicated to the success and spiritual welfare of HIV Positive women. For the above reason HOPE POSITIVE proposes the following measures for an *OUTREACH PROGRAM: 1. Provide ways to improve self-sufficiency and self-esteem 2. Provide opportunities to attain support from others who have same issues 3. Make available access to medical/health information, prevention approaches 4. Present ways for spiritual development 5. Provide outreach source within DeKalb, Rockdale, and Gwinnett counties *While these measures are community/efficiency oriented, they can also help alleviate critical society and human need. The focus of HOPE POSITIVE organization encompasses providing HIV positive women with; opportunity to become involved in community issues; learn about current medical/health information; ways to become self-sufficient; approaches to examine family/social forces prevalent today; behaviors to help develop healthier self-esteem; and means to encourage spiritual growth through Real Bible study. The Bible study segment includes classes that incorporate exegeses, hermeneutics and other dynamics that help to correctly translate Bible scripture. This organization will also provide times for interaction with others who have the same issues. HOPE POSITIVE will be the only organization that has an Outreach program, through communities in Georgia, both rural and metropolitan areas.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:48:37 +0000

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