HOPE U GO RIGHT DOWN AND READ THIS ALL HERE IS SOME REAL BIBLE STUDY ! Psa 6:1 To the chief MusicianH5329 on NeginothH5058 uponH5921 Sheminith,H8067 A PsalmH4210 of David.H1732 O LORD,H3068 rebukeH3198 me notH408 in thine anger,H639 neitherH408 chastenH3256 me in thy hot displeasure.H2534 Psa 6:2 Have mercyH2603 upon me, O LORD;H3068 forH3588 IH589 am weak:H536 O LORD,H3068 healH7495 me; forH3588 my bonesH6106 are vexed.H926 Psa 6:3 My soulH5315 is also soreH3966 vexed:H926 but thou,H859 O LORD,H3068 how long?H5704 H4970 Psa 6:4 Return,H7725 O LORD,H3068 deliverH2502 my soul:H5315 oh saveH3467 me for thy mercies sake.H4616 H2617 Psa 6:5 ForH3588 in deathH4194 there is noH369 remembranceH2143 of thee: in the graveH7585 whoH4310 shall give thee thanks?H3034 Psa 6:6 I am wearyH3021 with my groaning;H585 allH3605 the nightH3915 make I my bedH4296 to swim;H7811 I waterH4529 my couchH6210 with my tears.H1832 Psa 6:7 Mine eyeH5869 is consumedH6244 because of grief;H4480 H3708 it waxeth oldH6275 because of allH3605 mine enemies.H6887 Psa 6:8 DepartH5493 fromH4480 me, allH3605 ye workersH6466 of iniquity;H205 forH3588 the LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 the voiceH6963 of my weeping.H1065 Psa 6:9 The LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 my supplication;H8467 the LORDH3068 will receiveH3947 my prayer.H8605 Psa 6:10 Let allH3605 mine enemiesH341 be ashamedH954 and soreH3966 vexed:H926 let them returnH7725 and be ashamedH954 suddenly.H7281 Summary – The plain sense is that David knowing that he was conceived in iniquity is asking YHVH not to look upon him as He looks upon all the other people of the world and have mercy on him. The reason he dares to ask this from YHVH is because he ( David) is in a covenant with YHVH therefore he dares to use the covenantal Name and call upon the nature of YHVH as proclaimed by YHVH HIMSELF. However the deeper meaning or sod level which means you have to dig and seek - is about the King of Israel and Lord of Jerusalem crying out for his subjects and himself against the biggest enemy death and its causes. He asks for deliverance and salvation ( yasha is the root from which comes Yeshua) to save us as only Yeshua can save us from the grave. Detailed Exposition Again the Psalm is to be sung with music by a witness or a person who will be a beacon of light, someone who wont be shaken. It is to be accompanied with a neginoth and shieminith or an eight stringed instrument. David pleads with YHVH that In His anger He will not decide to convict David and in His fury chastise or discipline with the idea of the rod – (BEATING) David asks for Gods loving kindness and mercy because he is weak – feeble and sickly or weak in spirit. He asks YHVH to heal him because his bones are trembling and his whole being is also trembling. He calls upon the nature of YHVH again – Chesed or favour , beauty, also kindness which YHVH chose to reveal in His Name to Moses to save him and pull him out of the pangs of death and fear he was feeling. Why is David so distressed? – it does not seem to be that he has done something particularly bad. He is later talking about his enemies. He wants to know how long it will take this situation is going on. He also says something profound – that in death – there is no being in the presence of YHVH praising Him, contrary to the gone to heaven theory no one in the grave praises YHVH – they are dead. Note verse 6 says that the dead don’t remember YHVH – AV Ps 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. AV Ps 146:5 . Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope [is] in the LORD his God: Hope here denotes expectation in the God of Jacob because if He is your helper and friend, He will remember you to raise you up from the dust or death. Why is Jacob mentioned because it was to the seed of Jacob that this hope or expectation was given by YHVH Himself. That truth was proved when the Lord Yshua rose again and lives. Isa 38:18 ForH3588 the graveH7585 cannotH3808 praiseH3034 thee, deathH4194 can not celebrateH1984 thee: they that go downH3381 into the pitH953 cannotH3808 hopeH7663 forH413 thy truth.H571 Isa 38:19 The living,H2416 the living,H2416 heH1931 shall praiseH3034 thee, as I do this day:H3117 the fatherH1 to the childrenH1121 shall make knownH3045 H413 thy truth.H571 Isa 38:20 The LORDH3068 was ready to saveH3467 me: therefore we will sing my songsH5059 to the stringed instrumentsH5058 allH3605 the daysH3117 of our lifeH2416 inH5921 the houseH1004 of the LORD.H306 Isaiah says that because YHVH was ready to save – we will be able to sing all the days of our lives – this was prophetic as no one ever did this ever up to this date. So it was an indication of a future resurrection because of Yeshua – derived from the root of Save – David is speaking about a disease called death where we have all sinned and incurred through iniquity passed down. He is fearing extermination and the triumph of he who comes to kill, steal and destroy. These are the final enemies referred to. Yet David is suddenly sure that YHVH has heard him and goes on to prophesy that his enemies will be put to shame in the twinkling of an eye - in an instant. Since David has not done anything here to really anger YHVH to fear his chastisement, why was he asking YHVH not to decide to judge him and punish him? Why is he sure he will have the last laugh – because this was not about his flight from Saul and Absalom and his fear of his enemies but a prophecy of the dying seed of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and their crying out putting YHVH to remembrance that HE would send a deliverer to rescue us from death and that we were in fact conceived in sin. YHVH had a right to be angry but David stays His anger.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:04:02 +0000

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