HOPE YOU GO TO CHURCH TODAY. SOME TIPS FOR YOU TO CONSIDER WHILE GOING TO THE CHURCH. A Church as used by christians could be refered to as a place where people go to worship God and atuned with His presence. In churches, people are taught the rules of God and the gains of adhering to Gods principles and Laws. Adherence to Gods laws make us whole, free, very closure to Him and able to hear Him speak to us as He always does. God speaks to us in every second, we may not be able to hear and comprehend His words if we are not in harmony with Him. To maintain a Harmonious relationship with God, we must avoid doing those things that are against His purpose for us. Apart from going to church to worship and atune with Gods pricinples, there are so many other social and health benefits of going to the church. The Church exposes us to different classes of persons and enables us to intergrate with them. The people we meet in the Church gives us a window of opportunity to understand the differences in human behaviours and character differences among people. The church helps us to socialise and intergrate properly in society. Another very important benefit of going to the Church is the health benefits of the exercises we perform in the Church. Singing in the church is a very good vocal exercise that help to improve our vocal output and voice clarity and exercise vital organs of the posterior part of our body. Dancing and claping of hands are good physical exercises that help to burn off excess calories in our body. Elimination of unwanted excess calories in the body help the flow of fresh oxygenated and well nurished bloody to vital organs of the body. It also enables the blood to pick up the waste materials like Carbon 1V oxide (CO2) and excess amino acides from these sights. Excess wastes in our body is the major causes of the illnesses we suffer. Researchers have shown that 30minutes of dancing and claping of hands can eliminate about 3.4kilojoules of calories in our body. So as you prepare to go to Church today, make it worthwhile to ensure that these three (spiritual growth, socialisation and heathy exercises) aspect of attending Church are maximumly recorded in you. Happy Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:04:02 +0000

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