HOROSCOPES ON THE HOUSE December 25 2014 ARIES Youre on top - TopicsExpress


HOROSCOPES ON THE HOUSE December 25 2014 ARIES Youre on top of the world today, Aries. Enjoy the view! Youre unstoppable. Friends and family alike revel in your good mood. Youre materially and spiritually generous, and by days end people could be lined up to partake of the bounty. Try to curb your enthusiasm and use some discretion. It would be better to give more to a worthy few than give less to many. TAURUS This dreamy day is tailor made to your sensibilities. You may find it hard to focus on the daily issues when youre caught up in your fantasies. Go ahead and give in to the days dreamlike state. Write in your journal or spend some time rummaging around in the attic. Youll be amazed at what you find. Expect to spend hours looking through scrapbooks and reliving your childhood. GEMINI Your artistic side likes to mingle with people who are a shade off normal. You call them eccentric - other people call them crazy! From your viewpoint, the crazier the better! You feel such people add interest to the lives of anyone they come in contact with. Take a look in the mirror. You may see that youre such a person. Your energy and creativity add sparkle to others lives. CANCER Youre conscientious where your health is concerned. Youre one of the rare few who exercise and eat nutritious meals. Today you might want to expand your repertoire of medical remedies. If youve been struggling to shake a cold or allergy, consider some alternative medicines. Theyre moving more into the mainstream. Chinese herbs and acupuncture could just be what the New Age doctor ordered! LEO This is bound to turn into a silly day if you let it, Leo. Your best bet is to give in to the strange patterns at work. Communication seems blocked at every turn. You can expect technical difficulties like phone malfunctions or computer crashes. You and your mate will speak in two different languages. No one seems able to get a point across. Dont fight it. Just laugh. All will be normal again tomorrow. VIRGO This isnt a day to make firm commitments, Virgo, especially concerning relationships. Todays atmosphere highlights unification and reconciliation, but dont take this as a sign that youre now bound for life. Proceed carefully before making any long-term decisions. If youre about to take a big step at work or in your personal life, try to delay your decision until your thoughts are clearer. LIBRA Youre so upbeat and optimistic by nature that its difficult for you to accept certain failures. That may be what youre thinking today as you reflect on recent humanitarian efforts. Try not to take such a short-sighted attitude. Youre making a difference, even though it may not always be apparent. Continue on this path. Ultimately, you will see how worthwhile the journey is. SCORPIO Youre usually very good at concentrating and getting your chores done, even when chaos reigns around you. This likely wont be the case today. Even you will come under the influence of the erratic. Its too hard to get much done with all the commotion. Dont fret about your lack of productivity. This is one day. Relax and have some fun. Tomorrow you can get down to work. SAGITTARIUS You have strong psychic vision, Sagittarius. Some people might say that youre prophetic, but your gift is a combination of creativity and intuition. You can use this to benefit others, and in fact have often done so. Youre known for your good advice. Have some restraint today. People are listening closely to what you say. If you advise someone to do something crazy, they might do it! CAPRICORN The element of water predominates today. You will likely be aware of it by the strong tides of feeling in your household, Capricorn. Some family members may be unhappy. They may need more independence or look to you for more attention and affection. Its hard to strike the right balance, as you will discover. Do your best to satisfy everyone, making sure that your own needs dont get overlooked. AQUARIUS Theres a carefree, almost childlike atmosphere to today that suits you just fine, Aquarius. Youve been working extraordinarily hard lately and need to relax and unwind a bit. This is a day for doing cartwheels across an open field. You arent the only one who feels this way - its positively contagious. Make the most of this wonderful feeling. This is a day for play not work. PISCES This is a day for rest and relaxation, Pisces. Take advantage of the calm atmosphere to center yourself and focus on whats important in your life. Youve been going at full speed, and its possible that your family feels somewhat neglected. Spend some quality time with loved ones. They miss you and will welcome your company. Other concerns come and go, but family is forever. Blessed Be! Night Moth https://facebook/pages/Solitary-Witches-House/564395526970052
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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