HOT COFFEE Born for a Life of Faith It has been remarked that God - TopicsExpress


HOT COFFEE Born for a Life of Faith It has been remarked that God spoke in the Bible four times that the just shall live by faith. Faith means having trust, assurance or confidence in another person. Faith is the keynote of our relationship with God. It means total dependence upon Him. The same way you trust the man you married that he would be able to make you have babies by the breath and grace of the Lord, the same you must believe God for everything. In fact when you are getting married, you were rejoicing and happy. One of the things that perhaps make you rejoice is because you believed you would soon be a father or mother. And a more reason why you danced, so, one evidence that we have faith in God is that we rejoice when we read His promises and see from His words their fulfillment. How much faith do you express in God is a function of your rejoicing and peace the show in your heart. You are born to have faith in God. In order words, your strength, wisdom, education, job etc. cannot take you through the path of destiny. It is faith in God.0. Why must I have faith in God? It is because it pleases the Lord. Faith pleases God; something like’ ‘God will do it’, ‘my Redeemer liveth’. When we make this type of statement before adversities and adversaries, God is elated. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” Hebrews 11:6 God has placed such a high priority on faith because faith presupposes total dependence on the Lord. If you are truly born of God, then you will know that you have a responsibility to please with your faith. My Redeemer lives forever more! Let every situation in your life knows that your God is the Almighty, and say that with full confidence and peace of the heart. One day, the Lord showed me the truth interpretation (for me) of Psalm 30:5 30:5} For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy [cometh] in the morning. The bolden part of this scripture mean that even our sorrows, calamity and all negative things in life have eyes to see the move of God towards our direction that we may perhaps not see, so they endure. In other words, they could see that soon they would be driven away from their hide outs. Then what should we do as people who are saved and redeemed by His Blood? We should declare in faith according the the directive from Psalm 18:44 {18:44} As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me. I stand on these words of the Lord and decree that every negative planting of the devil in our lives be uprooted in Jesus name because it is written. Every act of weeping of sorrow, you are no longer permitted to endure, be expelled in Jesus name.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:14:40 +0000

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