HOT For Ferguson ^ Ferguson ~ how does one explain it ? Van - TopicsExpress


HOT For Ferguson ^ Ferguson ~ how does one explain it ? Van Halen has the clue: I dont *FEEL* tardy! There is no burden of proof when proof itself ( the literal, logical & objective kind ) has no consideration whatsoever in the thought process of someone ruled by Feelings & Emotion. Consequently, some folks have absolutely no awareness or responsible acknowledgement of the facts in this case that exonerates Officer Wilson. They are willfully ignorant & totally oblivious. [ Brainwashed ] This subjective Relativism that operates in a way to twist all information into a preferred, biased ( PC-approved ) point of view is really the type of reasoning one sees from a spoiled, self-centered child. See Video For contrast: consider how many times youve witnessed Conservatives burning down & destroying their own neighborhoods & businesses because they didnt appreciate some court decision, etc. It doesnt happen. Why ? Because Conservatives are generally more maturely-invested in their environments. If one is self-reliant & more personally responsible, one has the sense to protect property, not destroy it mindlessly. Conversely, if one is government-dependent and living like a child with other people providing for him, he will not show the same amount of RESPECT for the things around him. He doesnt fully comprehend how things are provided for him in his local economy. Thats *why* this Left-wing Culture of Welfare, Relativism, Victimization & Entitlement ( combined w/ terrible, union-run govt schools ) is causing so much confusion, decay & lawlessness ! Large sections of the American population ( both black & white; see Campbell Co. ) have been seduced into adopting this living nightmare of Democrat Great Society Socially-Engineered, Community-Organized COLLECTIVISM. And, all predictable failures of this bankrupt, authoritarian system of govt-granted privileges usurping God-given Rights are attributed to forces outside of these govt-run communities. How convenient !! Its the fault •• dont you see •• of the rest of us who simply are too racist or too insensitive not to understand the real ahem problems facing these poor, poor, helpless Victims. For the conspiring Agitators & Manipulators, Its ultimately : Americas Fault, and thats why it must be fundamentally transformed etc. along the Path of a more Marxist ideal. FORWARD to more government ! [ There remains NO collective means to achieving an individual success. ] Now, Eric Holder ( wondrous hypocrite that he is ) is saying that Racial Profiling must end ! Ha !! Everything he & hustlers like White House-advisor Al Sharpton do is Racial Profiling ...are you kidding me ??!! How bout getting back to: Individualism - personal responsibility - self-reliance - I.e. Americas exceptional idea of Individual Sovereignty Under God !!! This PC / Marxist WE Crap has got to go !!!!! Signed....Hot For Freedom ! A nation of sheep will beget a government of ( Sharpton ) wolves. -Edward R. Murrow ==>
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:29:41 +0000

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