HOUGHT FOR TODAY:- THE SELFISHNESS AND IGNORANCE OF THOSE WHO FAIL TO UNDERSTAND AND EDUCATE THEMSELVES ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS! How many posts have you seen today proclaiming that suicide and depression are selfish? How many times in your life have you heard people say that this is the case? It is not those suffering through depression or who have resorted to suicide who are the selfish ones. NO... it is those around them who criticise and diminish their suffering who are the selfish people! A person does not make a choice to suffer from a mental health condition, nor do they make a reasoned decision to succumb to suicide. This is something that life thrusts upon them, something over which they have no control. It is those who make the choice to fail to educate themselves about mental health problems, who condemn others over the act of suicide, who make a reasoned decision not to try to make the effort to understand....THEY are the selfish ones! They fail their family member or friend by their choices. By their inability to look past their own selfish needs to try to understand the reality of the torment facing the one they say they love and care for! By condemning the person for the illness that they are suffering from, they are proving the point that they are the selfish member of society! Even if they do not fully understand it all, they have no excuse not to try and support an individual and try to educate themselves about that persons illness. Mental health problems are something that are beyond the individuals control. They are due to chemical imbalances in the brain. Something that an individual is genetically predisposed to. Not through choices that the person makes in life but rather by what life has chosen to inflict upon them! Suicide, likewise, is not a reasoned choice. It is something caused by the illness that the person is suffering from. It is due to the illness taking over the brain and clouding all rational judgement and failing to allow an individual to see any semblance of hope in life. Yes there are medications and treatments which can offer some relief to the person suffering...but not all medications work....not all treatments are successful...sometimes there is little that can be done to improve life for the sufferer. Each person is different and medications can in many cases make a situation worse. Many actually state on the packaging the side effect of suicidal thought. Madness in itself that a medication designed to help the sufferer may indeed be the cause of the end of their life! There is no quick fix and no amount of positive thinking will ever cure a person of the imbalance within their brain. Positive thinking is merely a tool to try to help a person cope with some of the stressors in life that make their condition worse. If the professionals who treat and deal with mental health problems every day in life will quite openly admit that they do not have all the answers and that treatment is a case of being individual to the sufferer and in many cases involves trial and error to try to keep an individual stable, then no-one else in this life has the right to stand in judgment of those suffering through this nightmare! Educate yourself. Stop condemning those who are suffering or who have lost the battle. Offer support and stop being selfish and standing in judgement of something that you do not fully comprehend!!! After all you have no way of knowing if YOU are one of the millions of people on this earth predisposed to suffer!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:21:08 +0000

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