HOUSE OF SHADOWED MEMORIES HAUNTED HOUSE ENTER AT OWN RISK Seriously? I ripped the wooden sign off the door and tossed it on the porch. I reached up to knock on the door and it slowly opened. A breeze hit me like a fist, pushing me away from the door. I took a deep breath and cussed myself out for letting the sign get the better of me. I reached for the door again and it flew open. A short, bald man in a three piece suit smiled at me from inside. Mr. Thomas? he said, holding out his hand. I nodded and shook it. His skin was the texture of a fish left out of water too long and his grip was like a vise. And you are? His smile widened. You can call me Mr. Greenfield. Are you ready for the tour? Sure thing, I said. By the way, whats with the sign outside? Sign, Mr. Thomas? Yeah, says the place is haunted. Ah, that sign, he said as I followed him down a dark hallway and into the living room. He stopped at the fireplace and stared into it as if waiting for it to speak. When he finally turned back to face me, he was transparent from the neck up. The place is haunted, Mr. Greenfield said. The world turned pitch black, as if a blanket was dropped over the house. A rubber ball bounced in from the hallway, and I could hear footsteps upstairs. Twin girls wearing white dresses and pigtails appeared in the center of the room, their eyes staring through me. They were speaking, but only silience came from their moving lips. I couldnt take anymore. I broke for the front door, crashing through the dark hallway. I could hear footsteps following close behind me, and voices chanting my name. I ran through the front door, not bothering to open it first. I fell head over foot across the porch, rolling until I ended up laying in the front yard. At least I was free. Mr. Thomas, are you ready? A voice said from the porch behind me. I stood up, turned and faced Mr. Greenfield, who was whole again and standing on the porch. Am I ready? I said. You dont mean for the tour, do you? No Mr. Thomas. I dont mean for the tour. Thought as much. Ill see you soon, Mr. Greenfield. Well be waiting for you, Mr. Greenfield said as I walked away.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:23:19 +0000

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