HOUSTON, October 25, 2013 — President Obama’s legacy may - TopicsExpress


HOUSTON, October 25, 2013 — President Obama’s legacy may include a stake in the heart of a cherished dream of the progressive left: complete government control of healthcare in America. Obama has always wanted a single-payer, government-run healthcare system, and he set out a complicated but achievable path to get to that goal through Obamacare. The eventual failure of Obamacare would set the stage for single-payer healthcare. SEE RELATED: How President Obama gave America Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Unfortunately for him, he designed Obamacare to fail in the wrong ways at the wrong times, making it harder, not easier to achieve his goal of completely socialized healthcare. If Obamacare dies an early and spectacular failure, it will be at least another 100 years before the American people will consider government-run healthcare again. This is why Obama will fight tooth and nail to impose this lead balloon on the American people. Obama’s progressive “fundamental transformation” of this country was to revolve around a single-payer, government run and controlled healthcare system. He realized that he would have to sell a Trojan Horse to the American people; America would not stand for an immediate and open takeover of 1/6th of the economy. He therefore planned to gradually ruin and demonize the private insurance industry until it was fully destroyed, leaving full government control as the only option. Obama, speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, on June 30, 2003 said, “I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” On March 24, 2007, in a speech at an SEIU union Healthcare Forum he said, “My commitment is to make sure that we’ve got universal health care for all Americans by the end of my first term as President … There is going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out or 15 years out.” SEE RELATED: Unveiling Obama’s tyrannical tactics to neutralize the media Once Obama realized that he could never get full government control through Congress, he needed to find something that would get him to single payer healthcare as quickly as possible, and he did: the “public option.” The public option meant that the government would offer insurance options that would compete with private sector plans. The government plans, without regard for making a profit, would offer insurance prices much lower than any company could offer, thereby sprinting to the ultimate goal of bankrupting all private insurers. When Congress and the people would not accept this, Obama had to move to plan C: put restrictions and regulations on insurance companies that would force them to raise rates and reduce services, thus accomplishing the dual goals of destroying private insurance, and making the people rise up and beg the government for help and relief. Obamacare was supposed to be so utterly complex as to hide the blame for all of its failures, therefore allowing the government and its partners in the mainstream media to place all of the blame on the private insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, technology firms, and anyone that does not work for the federal government. This is where Obama’s plan hit a brick wall, and it has been nothing short of glorious to watch. SEE RELATED: The Obamacare exchange’s lack of security The rollout and website were such huge failures up front that even the old and sick who will tolerate the massive inconvenience of dealing with bureaucrats for endless hours can’t buy coverage. Private insurers will only go out of business if the sick can sign up and the healthy don’t. More importantly, the American people were always supposed to blame this catastrophe on the private insurers, not the government. The problem is that the American people are not stupid: they see that a $634 million website run by the government that cannot even link a consumer to a private insurer’s webpage is the fault of the government. It is unlikely that the government and its media partners will be able to spin this example of breathtaking incompetence to avoid any blame, as Obama had initially planned. The administration and its cronies argue that “Obamacare is not just a website.” This is absolutely false. The government is supposedly only involved to verify that insurers are offering government approved plans, so it does not sell a product. Government’s only role is to facilitate a deal between consumers and private insurers. The rollout has been such a magnificent failure that every Democratic senator up for re-election in 2014 has demanded a full one year delay of the heart and soul of the law, the individual mandate. This is exactly what Sen. Ted Cruz was rallying the American people for over the last few months: to force Democrat senators to back a delay. At the same time, people like Sen. John McCain called his tactics “a fool’s errand.” Pigs have flown, and Ted Cruz was right. This project will probably fail, and we will revert back to the best healthcare system in the world that only needs to be opened up to sensible, market- and consumer-driven solutions. If Obamacare fails, so does the “fundamental transformation” of America that Obama predicted. Obama and the progressives and globalists have always fantasized about the eradication of American capitalism, and the quickest and fastest way to do so is to nationalize healthcare. At that point, government has a right to regulate any and every activity that affects or could affect the citizens health. After all, if it is government’s responsibility to take care of the sick, then government has an interest in those activities that could lead to sickness and injury. That is why Obama willl go kicking and screaming until the American people directly, clearly and repeatedly tell him that we will not accept complete government control of our lives and our health. President Obama may have just done what Republicans and constitutionalists have been unable to do for over a century: break the back of the progressive dream of socialized medicine in America for good. Read more: communities.washingtontimes/neighborhood/time-choosing/2013/oct/25/obama-has-failed-designing-system-was-intended-fai/#ixzz2jeX8ye1l Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 05:43:34 +0000

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