HOW ABOUT A LITTLE NOAH TO START YOUR DAY? I am going to see - TopicsExpress


HOW ABOUT A LITTLE NOAH TO START YOUR DAY? I am going to see the Noah movie this afternoon... and it is raining... how appropriate. So I am getting my Scripture on this morning. The movie is so far off base that the studios put a disclaimer at the front. Thats pretty bad. One of the things people keep saying is, This may cause people to read their Bible or go to church. But, I wonder how many Christians actually took the time before or after the movie to read the actual story of Noah, or read it to their impressionable children. I wonder. Because if they did, it would likely cause some pretty serious discussions, including some questions that would make the movie seem stupid. But let me just give you a true basic rundown of Noahs life. What is the first thing we see about Noah? Well, when he was born to Lamech (who was 182 years old at the time), apparently his father was hopeful that he would provide a way out of the curse of sin. So he named him, Noah. Noah basically means relief. Kind of strange when you consider that relief came through devastating judgment of a world-wide flood... but I am getting ahead of myself. The next thing we know about Noah is that he had three sons... Shem, Ham, and Japheth. He was 500 years old at this time. Then we learn that Noah lived in a very wicked culture. Along the way, the people of God started marrying people who were not Godly. This is never a good idea. The resulting society was completely godless. Every thought of the people was only evil, continually. It was apparently a very violent time and place, with very little (if any) human government. It was an every man for himself kind of world. It was so bad, the Bible says that God was sorry He had made humans. Wow... just pause right there for a second. A loving God, who had created man and woman in His own image, regretted that He had ever made us. That must have been a horrible world in which to live. But while God was totally disgusted with everyone on the sin-filled Earth, Noah found favor in the sight of God. Why? Because Noah was righteous... and blameless in his time... He was a holy man. Some versions even say he was perfect. He walked with God. One good man on the entire planet. And God recognized him. Next we are told that God informed Noah of His plan to destroy the Earth and everyone on it because of their wickedness. He told Noah exactly how to survive the judgment. As long as Noah would obey the directive to build an ark of safety, God would preserve him, his family, and the animal life he took on the ark. We then see that Noah is obedient to his God. He builds this huge boat, and at the proper time, he enters the ark with his family... 8 people... Noah (and his wife), Shem (and his wife), Ham (and his wife), Japheth (and his wife). It then rains for 40 days and 40 nights straight. The flood covered the whole Earth. The only things living above the water are in the ark. Noah is about 600 years old at this point. While on the ark (for about 1 year) he cares for the animals and prepares for the time when the flood waters recede and he can disembArk. ;) He is prayerful and expectant, constantly looking for the opportunity to return to normal life on the Earth. After the flood is complete, Noah comes out of the ark, and the first thing we see him doing is building an altar to worship God. This is an interesting move because he ends up sacrificing some of the very animals he had just saved from Gods judgment. God receives the worship, and makes a promise that He will never use water to destroy the entire Earth again. Noah lived 350 years after the flood. At some point, as an older man, Noah became drunk with some wine he made from his vineyards. One of his three sons treats him with great disrespect while his other two sons try to preserve their fathers dignity. This experience results in some family dysfunction that lasts for generations, and some would say exists even today. (The above story can be found in Genesis 5:28-9:31) But that isnt all the Bible has to say about Noah... Later in the Bible we find out that Noah had preached about righteousness and judgment while he was building the ark (probably about 100-120 years.) (2 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 11:7) We also learn later in Scripture that at the end of time, the culture will be like it was in the days of Noah. Before God comes to destroy the Earth again (not with water, but fire), humanity will be as wicked as ever. (Matthew 24:36-39; 2 Peter 3:1-13) Scripture also tells us that God was patiently waiting to bring destruction as Noah built the ark. (1 Peter 3:20) Here is an interesting reference to Noah, found in Ezekiel (14:13-14) - God says, Son of man, if a land sins against Me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out My hand against it to cut off its supply of bread, to send famine through it, and to wipe out both man and animal from it, even if these three men - Noah, Daniel, and Job - were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness. This is the declaration of the Lord. Sure, God is love. But He is also holy. He cannot allow sin to continue unfettered. He has, does, and will continue to destroy the works and workers of evil. Gods judgment is both just and merciful at the same time. Noah is praised for showing faith in building the ark of safety for himself and his family (along with the animals). Jesus is our ark of safety from the judgment of God that is to come. Are you in Christ. Are you warning others about the judgment to come? Or are you just busy living like you want with no concern for the coming wrath? Oh wait... I have a movie to go watch. Im guessing it doesnt tell the same story I just told you. Why not? Is that not powerful enough? Or is it too powerful? I will find out soon enough and let you know if I was mistaken. So I encourage you to go to the Bible to read the story of Noah, an account of mans wickedness, holiness, as well as Gods wrath, salvation, and restoration. Go read the real story, and see if it isnt exactly like I told you. Theres no reason to butcher a great true story. Trust and defend the truth, or else you will trust and defend the lie. Sometimes I think the wrong people are making movies. #smh What are your thoughts? [NOAH film review coming this evening or tomorrow.]
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:51:22 +0000

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