HOW ABOUT THIS FOR THE OPENING OF ONE OF MY WITCH READS ... Today I received a call from someone who Ive read before saying that his brother who lives overseas was in London for a few days and hes told him so much about me ( all good I hope ) his brother really wanted to meet me for one of my witchy reads ... Ok I decided to meet them both in a nearby Starbucks ... As I entered I asked the brother who Ive read before to give us a few precious moments alone ... After telling the overseas brother my reads are for entertainment purposes only and doesnt mean there true I went straight in with the following theres a little boy with us now whos in spirit and he doesnt have a name but hes telling me you are his daddy , did your first girlfriend from many years back loose or terminate a baby he told me yes but how do I know this as it was a very long time ago ... I told him just to trust me and listen to what Im about to say and he will then know Ive connected and being truthfully ... I then said the boy is telling me that while on the flight over here to the uk you were talking about a Scottish connection , a day before you took the flight someone very close to you mentioned purple and asked for your views on this colour , and why am I feeling like mentioning small island, places like Bermuda!and feel youve never been to but you have a thing about small islands you love them ... His eyes seemed to open wider in shock as he replied how do you know those things? On the way over on the flight I was talking about my Scottish in laws , the day before the flight someone very close to me wanted purple coloured lights in a room and asked me what I thought and I absolutely do love small islands and your right Ive never been to Bermuda ... Yes how indeed I thought how indeed ... I then went on to deliver a fabulous read that was private but accurate ... Guess he wont forget me in a hurry ...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:44:51 +0000

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