(HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT) Since they could not get him to Jesus - TopicsExpress


(HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT) Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. (MARK 2:4) Have you ever wanted something, ever wanted to get in somewhere so bad that you tore the roof off the place? Its called hunger; Im not leavin till I get it; Im gonna knock till you open the door; I dont care what anybody says or thinks, Im pushin through, Ive gotta get there, Im not stoppin til it happens ... Ah, Hunger! ... it causes people to do excessive, rabid, embarrassing, mannerless, and even raucously rude things! But, guess what? Jesus Christ loves it! He looks upon it as having exorbitant faith! The question is, How Bad Do You Want It?Jesus healing. Jesus Christ heals today! He heals; He fills; He is alive today in hearts, minds, souls, spirits, and is ever ready to touch you! How long do you seek for healing? How many times do you go to the altar? When do you cease getting prayed for? How bad do you want the victory? How much do you crave the visitation? How desperate are you for the encounter? The answer is: How bad do you want it? We keep believing, keep seeking, keep knocking, keep reaching, keep praying, keep fasting, keep worshiping, keep praising, keep climbing, ... until ...Woman with issue of blood. The woman in the Book of Mark who had the issue of blood for 12 years was so desperate she thought, if I could just touch the hem of His garment. She did, and Jesus stated, with crowds all around touching Him, Who touched me? He meant, Who touched me with faith? The Lord Jesus Christ knows about faith, hunger, depth of spirit, lonely longings in the Spirit, dreamers of destinies, singers of psalms, pasture dwellers, mountain climbers, obedient sacrificers, Spirit groaners, and those who want nothing more than to sit at His feet. We say we have faith, and we do; everyone has a measure of faith, but how do we stretch it? How do we turn it into insatiable hunger? How do we tear off the roof, and get the answer? It is the tried and tested formula! Tested by whom? you ask. Oh, just a few, like Paul, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Job and Samson to name just a portion of them. No, they werent perfect in all their ways, but they dealt with the same Holy God that we are dealing with, and they would not hesitate to tell us those three important words, Dont Give Up! Keep asking, seeking, and knocking! Keep reaching for the hem of His garment, praying, fasting and believing ... Get under the anointed hands of a man or woman of God ... Make sure you repent completely and sincerely when you take the Lords communion ... Forgive your brother or sister in the Lord ... Make it right with the fights with your wife or husband ... Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ... You say, What do you know about it? Ive been healed many times, but I still need healing today. I will keep asking, seeking, knocking, just like you ... Sometimes healing is a process; sometimes it is miraculous and sudden; sometimes Doctors and surgeons are used; sometimes it is accomplished in stages; sometimes ... God uses whatever He chooses to achieve the greatest growth in our lives ... Keep looking up; keep the faith; keep believing; keep asking, seeking, and knocking ... Have you suffered twelve years like the woman with the issue of blood? This woman risked everything to get to Jesus; the custom of that day was that she was not supposed to be in public with her problem ... she took a risk, and she believed so strongly, that in her mind, all she had to do was touch the clothes of Jesus and she would be healed. That Is Faith! Tear the roof off today! Go wild with Belief in the One who IS walkin talkin antibiotics; just a breath from His nostrils and the world could be whole and well in an instant; Hes just looking for someone who will astound Him with their faith, who will turn Him suddenly in his tracks, who will draw virtue from His soul, who will ... MOVE Him to action! Lord Jesus, we repent of all of our sins. I pray for every soul who is reading this now. Touch them, Dear Lord; I speak to every disease, infirmity of body, soul, or mind and spirit, every chronic illness of any kind; I curse cancer to its roots, and I speak to every one of these illnesses and diseases, along with deafness, blindness, and issues of the mind and brain; I speak to migraine headaches, that growth that is very painful; I speak to that rash that wont go away and youve tried everything; I speak to that knot on your leg that is very painful in the upper portion, and lymph node with a lump, and I say GO, by the Name of Jesus Christ, the Word of Jesus Christ and the Blood of Jesus Christ; LEAVE these bodies, these minds, and these spirits; I cast you out. These infirmities and diseases cannot live in a body covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ! These people are whole and well in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen and Amen! Now, DO something! (SHALOM)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:50:03 +0000

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