HOW CAN I BE SURE OF MY CHOICE IN MARRIAGE Being directed or led - TopicsExpress


HOW CAN I BE SURE OF MY CHOICE IN MARRIAGE Being directed or led by God is about the most important issue before marriage; when you are not led, it only leads to misery, pains, sorrow and regrets . My prayer is that you will not experience these. If your answer to that prayer is amen, now is the time to be sure that the person you are in love with is God’s choice for you. Just because you are in love with someone does not give you enough basis to enter into a lifetime covenant with the person. It’s very easy to fall in love. All it takes is that person having all the qualities you admire, being physically attractive, spending time together, giving him/her a special place in your heart, thinking about him/her a lot and you’re already in love. You’ll agree with me that it’s possible to fall in love with more than one person but only one person is qualified to be your wife/ husband. Once you have identified your spouse, you are no longer permitted to desire others, but to only admire them. GOD then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man. The Man said, “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. (Gen 2:22-24 MSG The above scripture shows that God himself was very much involved in bringing the man and the woman together. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Rom 8:14 KJV) The question is, do you have God’s spirit? Are you born again? If yes, how are you working on your relationship with God? How consistently do you study God’s word? What service do you render in a local assembly? How well you answer these questions will determine how well your spirit is developed to receive directions from God, not only in matters of your relationships, but in all areas. You must also make sure that the three aspects of you agree with the choice of your life partner . Man is essentially a spirit; you have a soul and live in a body. Does these three (spirit, soul and body) agree in perfect harmony. Is there peace?  Is he/she intelligent and emotionally matured? Are you friends? Someone said friendship in marriage is about one soul living in two bodies. Physically, does he/ she meet your standard of beauty? Are you attractive to each other? Go to any length to find adequate answers to these questions. Ask him/her a lot of questions. Find out where he/she is going. Can you fit in? Is the guy a good leader ? How well has he led himself? Can he lead you well ? Becoming sure is all about erasing every doubt or questions in your heart about the person, the relationship and the future. No one can be sure for you. Until you’re totally sure and convinced, don’t say YES! Don’t tie the nuptial knots until all the knotty issues are resolved. If you are already married, and you are still doubtful of your choice, now is the time to pray about it. God hates divorce, and ideally it should not be an option except in extreme cases where there is unrepentant infidelity and or physical violence where life is threatened. Know that God can turn mistakes into miracles, so pray more about your mistakes rather than sulk or complain about them. I pray that God will send help your way in Jesus name
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:41:49 +0000

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